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Thou Shall Not Try Me Mood 24 : 7 Sweater

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They can do it with out us. Let the g6 strengthen their bonds amongst themselves. Let them stand together without the U.S. strong-arming them into needing us. When we get our act back together maybe we'll come back to a more united world. Fox talks about a "deep state" but I think they got its origin wrong! There is a deep state, Putin has put in place, our Republican Congress is complicit! They are trying to destroy our press and our Justice Dept because they know neither will go along with it!!!! Putin is winning and still they believe. Next summit give drumpf the wrong meeting times, rooms, etc. There needs to be consequences for his asinine actions! Making enemies of our friends. No surprise that the only leaders Trump likes are dictators since in reality that is what he wants. 2020 cannot come soon enough. On the world stage, this man acts like a 10 year old bully. Name calling and petulant, lovely example of a leader. What has America come to? That's what he's good at: dividing. He's divided this nation, now the self appointed dictator goes after the world. It should be the G6 from now on. The US has lost all credibility, thanks to the fire sale to the Russians by the current administration. I hope Trump’s final years will be spent realizing that he never *legitimately* earned anything of value. Not once. I suspect many here did or would have complained or were complaining before Trump, about NAFTA and other trade deals destroying U.S. jobs when they were being negotiated.
I could be wrong but I bet not. He’s an incompetent buffoon. I despise that he represents us and that they have to waste their time babysitting his feelings and managing his idiocy. Time has come for the rest of the world, outside of Trump's dictator friends, to just give up on the US, leave them to do their own thing, stop inviting them to summits and events and we just do our thing. All Trump and MAGA is achieving is hastening the decline in US influence on the rest of the world. Who needs the G7 when the Kremlin is blackmailing you.

Putin's already has a strategy for keeping his asset in power. Despite international sanctions we know that Russia has been supplying oil and possibly weapons technology to North Korea. How else could such a poor isolated country develop its nuclear program so quickly?

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Review Thou Shall Not Try Me Mood 24 : 7 Sweater

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Trump has had numerous covert meetings/calls with Putin that we only found out about because Russia told us. What do you think they were discussing?

The Trump/Kim Kabuki insult performance was not happening in a vacuum as high level diplomatic negotiations were ongoing from the start. Again, why did these negotiations start straight after Trump took office?

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Then Mike Pompeo meets with sanctioned Russian spies and magically becomes Secretary of State and leads the North Korea nuclear "negotiations."
Once the Putin-orchestrated North Korean nuclear stand down is finalized Trump will be hailed as a hero and peacemaker going into the 2018 mid terms. Even the liberals will have to get behind it, right?

Putin will get the much needed PR boost for his inept purchase in the White House. The Republicans will remain in power, and as we've seen, will not hold Trump accountable for his crimes or seek impeachment. This will also embolden Trump to fire the Special Counsel with little to no political push back from his<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land Shirt.

Putin didn't expend all that money and effort installing a corrupt, Authoritarian regime in the white house just to have the good citizens of America vote them out.

Couple that with Fox/Sinclair State Media propaganda, gerrymandering, no safeguards against Russian election meddling, the deep pockets of the Kochs/Mercers/Adelson and the Blue Wave doesn't stand a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Whoopi Goldberg Make America Great Shirt.

Then watch for the inevitable cashing in by Putin on the modernization of N Korea. How are they deeply divided? Seems like the six are in agreement. It is only trump out of step with reality. That is not a deep divide. That is a divide on the edge. To the Americans... you guys are a great people... However, I must say that your President is making the world a much more difficult place to live. He is undoing 50 years of trying to bring countries closer together. Such a jerk. And what pain, to have to tolerate him because of his status and in spite of his childish ego and lack of comprehension of the most basic of these issues . Putin's plan is to break up alliances. Let us get rid of his puppet and try to repair the damage. Meanwhile, I hope G-6 prospers. It must be really frustrating trying to accomplish anything when you’re dealing with such a moron. Trumps proposal of a tax and subsidy free G7 is not bad at all, but a challenge for the over regulated EU. Even a riding the wave loser like drumpf should have the stamina to face his own self. Sadly he ran from a world leader conference because his tiny epeen shrunk from the truth. Poor Dotard - Macron mashed his baby fingers on camera and he couldn't handle being out-shook! Trump and the US are isolated but that doesn't mean the rest are divided. All the EU is doing is saying you're products have to meet the same safety and quality standards as EU countries that is NOT A TARIFF. forget letting Russia back in. First priority Get the US out until they have a real president. I’m ashamed of this POS representing us. Be gone you vile, inadequate, lying, shameless, unchristian garage eater. Please, can't some country, any country keep Trump? Maybe give him a little island and some toys where he can pretend to be the boss of toys. Stick a couple of mannequins with cameras pointed at him. He'll never know the difference. Dear World, the United States Citizens (majority) do NOT agree or support this President. Shame on those here in the States who voted for<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Cobra Kai Never Dies T Shirt. 2018 elections will make it better. In 2020 we will fix this insanity. I think this will fast become a G6 Summit until the US President can negotiate properly. When you have the Japanese of all people - who are known for their patience - talking about how intense and difficult negotiations are in other reports, you know it must have been far worse than the media can describe. I remember the good old days and the numerous promises from the Wizard of Trump about making America great again (it already was before and will be after him), cheaper healthcare for all he's just stripped the poorest, most vulnerable Americans of basic healthcare) and would make deals with the rest of the world that would make our headsbspin and enrich everyone (in reality ,disastrous deal after deal, the very rich better off) and now a global trade war, that will weaken all G7 members and their allies and empower those nations that wish the US, EU, NATO and others harm. Our wonderful country is being embarrassed again by trump....Let’s start treating him like the spoiled child he is and IGNORE his bad behavior....Let the adults speak and handle the important issues.... Sorry to be be petty by pointing this out but we live in a petty world. Trudeau looks taller than Trump 🤔Trump claims 1.90, Trudeau 1.88 - just sayin'. World leaders do not like him at all. Hope we never need their help again in the Middle East. Might get a middle finger salute from all of our once allies. Serves us right. This is what he does; he divides, he has tantrums, he acts out of bounds of basic decent human behavior. He is not productive. Spoiled brat. Trump supporters please do not try to read, will cause mental agitation, irritability and extreme<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Big Assawoman Bay T Shirt !

The R Street Institute think tank reminds us, "According to 2015 U.S. Census data, steel mills employ about 140,000 Americans, while steel-consuming industries, including automakers and other manufacturers who rely on imported steel, employ more than 5 million.

The result of Bush's tariffs was a $30 million hit to the economy, according to a lengthy government report from the U.S. International Trade Commission in 2003. Studies by outside groups conclude that the United States lost jobs because of the move: The employment gains in factories that make raw steel were outweighed by job losses in other industries, especially at companies that take raw steel and make it into<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Logic Rick And Morty Shirt for cars and appliances. To put it another way, it cost about $400,000 per job saved in the steel industry, according to an estimate by the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

A trade war would be a big hit to U.S. exports, as we ship well over $100 billion in products a year to China, exports to China alone supported an estimated 911,000 U.S. jobs according to the Department of Commerce, and almost $250 billion to Mexico.Canada is currently our 2nd largest goods trading partner with $544.0 billion in total (two way) goods tradeduring 2016. Goods exports totaled $266.0 billion; goods imports totaled $278.1 billion.

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The United States has a $2-billion surplus in steel trade with Canada. Canada buys more American steel than any other country in the world, accounting for 50 percent of U.S. exports.
Chrystia Freeland, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, outlined the country's retaliation plan on Thursday. She said that Canada will place tariffs on 0American goods, including steel and aluminum. Some products will be taxed 10% and others 25%. Up to about $12.8 billion will be subject to the tariffs -- the total value of last year's Canadian steel and aluminum exports to the United States.
Last year, U.S. exports of goods and services accounted for 19 percent of the entire economy, so a broad-based reaction from U.S. trade partners could hit the economy hard.
Exports totaled $501 billion; Imports totaled $592 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with the EU was$92 billion in 2016. The United States had $686 billion in total (two ways) goods trade with the European Union during 2016, its largest Goods trade partner.
According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, trade with the EU supported 2.6 million American jobs in 2015. EU countries are the top market for the U.S., accounting for nearly 19% of goods exports last year.
In a reaction to new US tariffs announced today, The European Union will move ahead with tariffs that are expected to affect roughly $7.5 billion worth of US exports. It will also lodge a case with the World Trade Organization.
Canada, South Korea and Japan, all major steel exporters to the US, are also big importers of U.S. agriculture, he noted.
If they’re looking for ways of inflicting pain on the United States, then agriculture is going to be a prime target. Agriculture is also a major contributor to key red states.
China canceled a net 62,690 metric tons of U.S. soybean purchases in the two weeks ended April 19, the Bloomberg article pointed out, citing USDA data for the current marketing year.
The country is the second largest market for U.S. agricultural exports, and soybeans have historically have been one of the top products sold to the Asian giant, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service.

China is the second-largest market for U.S. agricultural exports, and soybeans have historically been one of the top products sold to the Asian country, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service. China imported $21.5 billion in<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Grunt Style Dad Shirt in 2017.

Iowa, the largest pork producer in the U.S., has reportedly already lost $560 million due to President Trump’s steep new tariffs on steel and aluminum after China created tariffs on pork in retaliation against Trump, and Mexico threatened to do the same. Mexico Tuesday imposed 15%-25% tariffs on imported US steel and 20% tariffs on some US agricultural products in retaliation to the US' tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from that country, according to a decree signed by Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

U.S. pork farmers could lose $100,000,000 annually, after Mexico said it would slap a massive tariff on pork imports to retaliate against President Trump's aluminum and steel import levies, according to an estimate by the Iowa Farm Bureau.

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U.S. pork farmers could lose $100,000,000 annually, after Mexico said it would slap a massive tariff on pork imports to retaliate against President Trump's aluminum and steel import levies, according to an estimate by the Iowa Farm Bureau.

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