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This Heifer Don’t Take No Bull Tee

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Not, eat to kill. There should be no pleasure in killing of any kind.... Nor should there be any pleasure or entertainment in experiencing or observing the pain and suffering of any living being... Just sick all around.... and on all levels.... What do you expect from a country used to slaughter natives in the entire central n South America except Brazil. They never changed just evolved in different form. I say nuke them! The bull did not make a conscience decision to kill itself. The bull was frightened by the fire and was not in any pain because of the fire. Bulls horns are like finger nails. They can not feel them when cut or on fire... if there the government say, the event is part of the country's cultural heritage and this must be respected, then respect my culture, where is to beat the hell out of this government and the spanish people where still have fun of the killing games with animals. Setting the bulls horns on fire for fun and entertainment. Humans are the most evil and sadistic of all living creatures. Horns have many nerves and of course the animal is in severe agony when you set it on fire. We should bring back the gladiator days where people set each other on fire and butcher each other to death as sport in the times of Greek and Roman colosseum. We live in a world of advancing science and technology yet we behave like sadistic barbaric savages with no sense of ethics for Mother Nature and all her creatures and environment. Im in shock that people like this exist in our world. This is absolutely disgusting. Maybe these humans should be burned at the stake to see how it feels... Disgustin' sick ppl. And the bull was not commiting suiccide.. He though too revenge on that thinking that hurted him.. not humans. So.. he tryied too hit it as for revenge.. not knowing that wood or steel was that hard to put him down.. Makes sense?

Available here: This Heifer Don’t Take No Bull Shirt

Review This Heifer Don’t Take No Bull Tee

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Do not let those media fool you with these news. There are millions of Spaniards who totally disagree and blame this kind of criminal activity with animals claiming the authorities to get these atrocities banned. This HAS to stop!!!!!!! The people WHO support this practice should be ashamed. There is no place in modern societies for such behaviour. Truly disgusting - deriving pleasure from suffering of innocent beings!!! Barbaric, I don't get it , with the technology of the word today some people enjoy this cruelty, this is not culture , it was practice when people were ignorant but today makes no sense. They can keep the festival because of historic culture and tradition, but stop with the live bull chase. Use an artificial substitude of some kind.

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The atitude with the excuse of keeping it leagal because of history sucks: Denmark had a history of burning people alive on a fire, because they were witches. Should we have kept doing so, just because it is a part of our historie? That doesn't make it less cruel . .Bull proved who is real cruel animal not a surprise it's Human..!!

Killing of innocent animal for fun, very sensitive and intelligent bull, I think the bull can see and understand what's going on. I've just spent a weeks holiday in the beautiful town of Seville. I visited all of the main tourist haunts, but did not go to thebull ring. Heritage or not, it's wrong. These are not people, they are scum of the earth. Don't know why they are allowed to breathe. I think they should do the same thing to these guys.

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