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This Girl Runs On Chick Fil A V Neck Shirt

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I’m sure she will be loved and will have a happy life though. I wish I looked like she does... she has taken good care of herself... she now have a beautiful little boy. He is gorgeous and healthy and that what’s matters. She will be older than many of the grandparents when her daughter starts school. I could never do it...but kudos to her... WOW!!!!!! Thats Great!!!! Children r 1s lifeline.....nothing wrong r unfair n reference 2 her birth at her age....the kid is here...healthy..n l know she will do all she can 2.make her baby a happy baby....4get all that unfairness 2 the baby....l am sure her plan is well put a 1 knows the day they will die...she could live past 100..l have had 4 relatives live past 100....1 had a daughter n son n her 50s.....the daughter just recently great great aunt having those babys n her 50s which grew up n became productive citizens..provided me the opportunity 2 learn more of my family's history....SO MORE POWER 2 HER...N HER NEWBORN.....GREAT!!!!!!! I give her kudos, and wish her all the best.

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Review This Girl Runs On Chick Fil A V Neck Shirt

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There are so many children that are abused and unwanted, I have no doubt she’ll cherish the little girl she tried for for so long. I’m really happy for her. Good for her to deliver her baby at her age. There were women older than her who gave birth and I'm not a gynecologist to judge but more power to her. Jealous women. She is 55, and looks better than you ladies making fun of her. Good for her. She has the energy, money to raise a child then good for her. But ive looked at some of your pics and all i can say is LOL. I love her. I think she’s beautiful and I’m happy for her. I have nothing negative to say because at the end of the day it’s her baby and her choice and none of our business to judge. But women hardly ever empower other women anymore.. Frida can count herself lucky, because she is an absolute planned child and will certainly get more love from her parents than some other baby from a teenage mother. Pat Rover and men who are near the age to collect social security look just as silly with babies! I guess a mid live crisis can happen to both genders...

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Jessica Anette nothing posted on People is truly any of our business... so what's your point? Or did you just want to get your 2 cents out there... hmmm?? Kelly Brown I agree. Lift each other up instead of tear each other down for goodness sakes. All that matters is she provides love and the basic needs for her child. I think it’s great. Patricia Patty when her child is a teenager she will be 70... hopefully she lives for many more years. But you think it’s fair to bring a kid into the world that you might not be around to watch grow up? How unfair to that child. i understand what you are saying. But speaking as a young person who’s parents are not around. I think it’s unfair for ANYONE to set up their child that way. No matter what she can buy that child it will never replace her being there to watch the kid grow up. Have s family. Meet her grandkids. It’s unfair. Not to mention how unsafe being pregnant at that age is. Just speaking from my own perspective as a person with no parents. It sucks. And is hard af. So yeah. It’s unfair. Umm you can have children young and old and die Young and old you're assuming she is being unfair because she is already an advance age when there are young women literally dying during childbirth are they being unfair for risking their lives to bare children there are women who have to choose between living and getting a abortion or dying to birth a child that they are aware that can kill them I don't think it's unfair I see it as being selfless people don't only die old of old age they die Young also from sickness or by someone else's hand.

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Sasha Wilson you’re more likely to not be around if you have a kid at 55 than at 25.