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Teacher Shark V Neck shirt for Ladies

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He did that to break up a fight. I feel sorry for the teachers bc they have no power at all and kids are horrible now in school! Some kids not all are horrible.. This fight that these students were having was outrageous and good for that teacher for having the sence to break it up. Bull, they have power! I have 4 kids in school, the teachers have more power over your children then they should. However, in this situation I stand by this teacher. Bull, they have power! I have 4 kids in school, the teachers have more power over your children then they should. However, in this situation I stand by this teacher. Gretchen Shelton III can you please elaborate on how the teachers have more power than they should? Gretchen Shelton III they have your kids for six to seven hours a day, they should have as much power as it takes.. Gretchen Shelton III what power do the teachers have please tell us. The problem is that now days, todays parents do not have trust in the teachers. Im my day, let the teacher tell my parents i was acting up. My butt would have been beat. Today, parents team up with their kids against the teachers. No ones "baby" can do no wrong. Its really sad. Need more teachers like this one Yep if parents were pro active with there kids this would occur a lot less. Praise for the teacher. Easier to blame school for the lack of parental control. My sister-in-law quit teaching in the 70's because if no power over the students.
If a student gets hurt it's the teachers fault, if you touch a student the teacher is wrong.
I've never used more than my hand to discipline my child, but the belt was fine with me in this case.
I'd have this guy teach my child any day.
Good for him. My sister-in-law quit teaching in the 70's because if no power over the students.
If a student gets hurt it's the teachers fault, if you touch a student the teacher is wrong.
I've never used more than my hand to discipline my child, but the belt was fine with me in this case.
I'd have this guy teach my child any day.

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women.

>> You can buy it here: Teacher Shark Shirt

Review Teacher Shark V Neck shirt for Ladies

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Good for him. I want my kids teachers to have authority over my children. I sure don't want my kids to be the disrespectful punks so many are today. It starts at home, but should carry through where e I was injured breaking up a fight ,and now I'm too hurt to continue teaching. I don't know what I'm going to do about putting my children through college. In addition, paying my bills! The problem isn't that the teachers are powerless. The parents need to quit sending their misbehaving brats into the classroom for the teacher to deal with. Michelle kitchens-Harvey what did those kids do? Chop off your legs and arms? Cmon teaching isn't a hard labor job.

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As for your kids.... Make them get a job to pay for college. Government took the power away from parents started back in the 70's now kids are out of control..blame goes back to them. Government took the power away from parents started back in the 70's now kids are out of control..blame goes back to them Harry Scrubbz, the students herniated 5 disc in my cervical spine. My neck is fused and I'm still having problems with lower vertebrae. So, yeah my kids will pay for their college but you sir have no idea what it feels like to lose your career over breaking up a fight. I work hard to earn my degrees and I don't deserve to be injured while trying to teach. Harry Scrubbz, the students herniated 5 disc in my cervical spine. My neck is fused and I'm still having problems with lower vertebrae. So, yeah my kids will pay for their college but you sir have no idea what it feels like to lose your career over breaking up a fight. I work hard to earn my<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->I Am A Marvelaholic Shirt and I don't deserve to be injured while trying to teach. Alice your argument is absurd. Parent's "raise" their kids to be disrespectful punks who have no interest in education. And today's media has pretty much turned kid's into thugs. Has nothing to do with the government, has to do with the degeneration of our youth.

Your argument is invalid, have a good day. Sorry to hear that Michelle Kitchens-Harvey prayers for better days for you and your family. Sorry to hear that Michelle Kitchens-Harvey prayers for better days for you and your family Thank the dept of education which by the way is not allowed for in the constitution. It's up to the states to make the rules on edu. Thank the dept of education which by the way is not allowed for in the constitution. It's up to the states to make the rules on edu. My hubby is a teacher. It's sad that he can't even send one to the corner! The kids know this too, they use it to taunt teachers. Richard can't be you've done any research. Because if you did. It shows that hitting children is teaching violent behavior. See do us all a fave and stop ASSuming. Because we both know what happens when you do son!! Heidi Brady Vecere.sounds like one of those parents who don't disipline there children. But are quick to blame others for her kids behavior. I noticed no mention of how to handle 17 yr Olds in 5th grade beating on a 50 yr old<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Xmen Trainee Shirt. I'm sure she's a OBOZO and Hillary supporter. Heidi Brady Vecere.sounds like one of those parents who don't disipline there children. But are quick to blame others for her kids behavior. I noticed no mention of how to handle 17 yr Olds in 5th grade beating on a 50 yr old teacher. I'm sure she's a OBOZO and Hillary supporter. Please show me you moron where I blamed anyone for my children's actions? Oh wait you can't. Wanna know why? Because I don't have to raise a hand to my children, they have respect and know how to act. So take yourself back to our cage sweetheart!. his is what these little animals can do because they are out of control and have parents who say not my kid. Well yes your kid is capable of this. Heidi Brady Vecere you need to do your research better. Lousy studies with biased assumptions and flawed end points. Pathetic. That's because they probably don't have kids! Enough said! Why force your OPINION on others when you are not willing to accept our opinion? Its a two way street chic. That's because they probably don't have kids! Enough said! Why force your OPINION on others when you are not willing to accept our opinion? Its a two way street<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land Shirt.. These boys are acting like little animals and the teacher hit them with the belt to make them stop oh the poor little babies it hurt their whittle feelings he wasn't hiting them that hard this country needs to stop trying to turn boys into girls make them little wussy's let women be women and men be men because there is a big difference between us In our district they send home paddling permission slips. I signed it and let him know I did. He has never got paddled at school he goes to high school next year. Rachel Kerns, they do that here also. Until this year, I never signed them. Thought it was my job as their parent to do the discipline. I signed it this year and didn't tell my kids until just a couple of weeks ago. My oldest, 15, was talking to us and she made the comment that the school couldn't spank her because I didn't sign the<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Fa Thor Shirt, Fathor Shirtr. Hahaha the look on her face when we told her and my 11 year old that I did sign them this year. It was priceless. All she could say was "oh". Lol have a good one hun! Rich St-Broderick, you are correct in your point of view but Alice Lord is so correct. I was having my kids in the 70's. You were afraid to take your kids out in public because every move-body language, spoken word, was scrutinized for being an abusive parent. They were on a witchhunt. When my first chd went to kindergarten they most wouldn't accept him because he hadn't been to preschool. I didn't know preschool was preferred. It was Alaska for crying out loud. At his first parent teacher conference they told me he was bored in class, he was so far ahead of his classmates. Shows you the difference between Mom having the kids at home rather than farming them out to a preschool.

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Yet now, government practically requires it. If my kids acted up when on a shopping trip and wouldn't settle, we went home immediately. By the time they were 5, no more tantrums. Imagine that. Government destroyed the family unit. Parents learned to let kids have their way or lose them. Heidi Brady Vecere.....why do people assume the word 'discipline' means physical violence. When my young kids 2 yr old cried because he didn't get his way he went to his room and could only come out when he was finished crying. THAT is discipline. When we were in town shopping and they wouldn't co-operate/settle, we left immediately and went home. When we were in church, if they didn't sit quietly I took them out. Leaving was NOT rewarded by playing in the nursery. THAT is discipline. Kids do not get that today because government & corporations got together & decided it was better to have EVERY adult in the home working. Lower wages, more taxes. And control of the kids. It has been a systematic destruction of the family unit, systematic taking control & brainwashing of kids. Imparting fear into adults. You don't comply, we will take your kids. Parents today do not know what it was like in my generation. My dad's generation did not have these issues. They are GENERATIONALLY systematically corporatizing America. They are making everyone dependent on the government. That is why you have corporate welfare, personal welfare.....all to eliminate independant thinking. Then, my friends, they CONTROL you. Compliance is how they accrue power & wealth. And now they REQUIRE you to purchase health insurance, disciplining you if you do not. No conspiracy theory here folks, this is the history of society that I have seen with MY OWN eyes. In my lifetime. Within 60 yrs. Imagine what 20 more will bring. It will only get worse w Obama interfering in our schools n w our kids.. eachers how a ton of power, when i was in high schooli had an issue with a specific teacher. She would take away my car keys, cell phone etc. put on her desk, call my parents say i was the worst student she ever had because i talked in class lol.... Would refuse me to leave after class was over, threaten me with poor grades even when
I got straight A's..." Participation points" she called it. Usually parents believe the teacher as well and this one lied to get me in trouble, they have a LOT of power. If you read up above I already said I have never laid a<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Whoopi Goldberg Make America Great Shirt on my children because I demand respect and I get it with out lifting a finger. When I yell the earth moves. And I have two of the most well behaved kids outside of the house that a parent could ask for. Polite, respectful of elders and other people in general clean their plates, help out people out of the kindness of their heart and one has been a straight A student since he started school. He's now 12. Our daughter does very well in school she needs a little extra help here and there but we take the time out of our day to be a parent. Shes 13, Both are exceptional athletes with perfect study habits. I'm sure your kids walk all over you or future kids will walk over you because your timid human being.
