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Tariff Shirt – Tariffs Not Only Impose Immense Economic Costs Shirt

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Buy them by the case at the warehouse club. Less than $0.50 a can. 2-litres go flat before you use them up many times. What's T going to do - bail everyone out of the mess he has created? Saw FAUX News praising him for the bailout for the farmers last night, claiming that no other president has done such a "miracle". No "miracle" would have been needed if the idiot hadn't started the trade wars to begin with - against all advice. Twila Salajcik You "think" he saved the auto industry who uses vast amounts of aluminum and will now be paying high tariffs on it? Put your thinking cap back on. And please stop living in the past. This "mess" of trade tariffs was created by none other than T himself and now he is trying to "bail out" the people affected by the tariffs. JoAnn Evans-Everett bull shit this dirty SOB we have now had put us in all this bull shit that's going on now no one else to blame for it just face it everyone unless your stupid. JoAnn Evans-Everett what I was trying to comment on was Fox news saying him saving an industry.was never done by any other president. Franklin Roosevelt saved pretty much all of them too. So true, Twila, I remember all those folks being so fearful of losing their jobs. During a Romney/Obama debate, Romney said that he would "let it fail". Thank God President Obama won the election and saved them. I'm waiting for God to intervene again because it's evident that there's evil in the White House. I believe my response was a "love" emoji. I don't understand your statement. However, I am confused by Twila's second statement about "saving an industry". Was she referring to Obama or Trump?

Grab it here: Tariff T Shirt – Tariffs Not Only Impose Immense Economic Costs Shirt

Review Tariff Shirt – Tariffs Not Only Impose Immense Economic Costs Shirt

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When I heard FAUX News, they were lauding T for "saving an industry" which is completely false since T caused the problem with the tariffs in the first place. Anyway, I agree that Obama did save an industry and that T, conversely, is destroying industries. If there is confusion, I am sorry. I apologize. Thank you for bringing this confusion to my attention but I must admit it is still confusing when we are talking about 2 presidents. Twila Salajcik - I'm sorry there was some confusion on my remarks to you. We are on the same team backing Obama and dissing T for creating this mess. FAUX News has no business touting that T "saved the day" with the bailouts when he is the one who created the situation. Thanks for understanding (and forgiving an unforced error on my part). Vote blue!

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They apparently did this BEFORE the announcement. Was shopping at Sam's past weekend, and noticed case of Coke had increased by 2 dollars, and case of Red Bull had gone up by whopping 14 dollars!!! Thanks. OK, let's get rid of the beer cans, the iced tea cans, the power drink cans not to mention anything else that is made with aluminum including some bathroom fixtures. Everyone consumes products made with aluminum and you will pay one way or the other. He likes to look like the big man by ranting, raving, then back walking everything to look like the righteous person he’s not. It’s a con man games. Bait and switch!!! Oh yeah, tariffs are great as long as you're trump and can exempt things you want. For regular Americans they're not good. #on the road to recession. But didn't all these corporations get huge tax breaks that could offset the cost increases? Oh yeah that's right. They used those tax breaks to buy back stock and enrich the stockholders. So much winning for the middle class...not. Pretty sure the rising cost of everything + stagnant/lower wages (like St. Louis) is gonna offset whatever meager tax “savings” any of us in the bottom 95% would have seen.

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