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Stop Watching Anime And Get A Job TShirt

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After 15 minutes of this I was chatting away saying to the parent how full of energy and healthy his boy was,.. he said yes it's wonderful,.. he also just had his flu shot a few hrs ago!
Some times I wonder what the heck to think,.. I just left- no- we didn't get infected by a live flu virus ok. But if vaccines work so well, and your child is vaccinated, then your child could never get the dreaded lurgy from my child because your child must be protected, right? I wonder what they consider a legitimate medical reason. Do they trust the doctors to make that judgment the way they trust vaccines? My son has a permanent medical exemption, I won't say for what because I'd love some feedback! This I did not know! Not the ding dong post, but that vaccinated children shed for up to 6 weeks after the injections! Explains SOOO much! Smh....that crap is poison! Grateful Im getting my baby away from this environment! Considering she named her kid after the Salem Witch Trials, I wouldn’t consider her a credible source for anything educational never have vaccinated, if your kids are vaccinated they should be safe tho,,,right? but just in case please keep them away from mine,,I would like to keep mine healthy One would think this would be widely known and appropriate quarantine measures taken if the establishment ideology that "we must all vaccinate in order to protect those who cannot be vaccinated" were to be pursued to the supposedly necessary extent (to actually do so based on their assertions). My sentiment too. The vaccinated children with their strep throats, ear infections, and respiratory infections spread germs and disease. Keep your healthy unvaccinated children away from them. I feel sorry for the children of the ignorant hoards. Their parents allow their bodies to be shot full of toxins. So sad. She’s 17 with a second child on the way. She’ll learn really quickly unfortunately when they get sick from a reaction. It’s sad, but if people aren’t willing to be informed or educate themselves, it’s on them and it falls on their kids 🤷🏻‍♀️ As real as this is. Its not real plausible. Since people take their freshly vaccinated kids everywhere: play grounds, day care, grocery store, school, water parks, chuckie cheese, aquariums, etc.

You can grab it here: Stop Watching Anime And Get A Job Shirt

Review Stop Watching Anime And Get A Job TShirt

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Any kid you dont know could be recently vaccinated. I don’t want mine near yours either! Ya think , and I was one them at one point, you have been brainwashed . Fear has been a huge player here so we can be divided! It separates us! Very sad! Thats dumb i thought the whole purpose of the vaccine was to keep you from getting that particular illness . Sheeple, Vaccines, are part of what they call "soft kill ", along with the poison in our food, water, air ( chemtrails), smart dust (nano techology) . Some seriously twisted people we elected definaty do not have our well being in mind . Because society is so deathly afraid of these illnesses that they rush out and load up on vaccines and want to even pass laws forcing others to do the same..... but the science shows that it's the vaccinated that are at a higher risk of infections and spreading the illnesses because they are routinely injected with them. Be aware of the infection and carrier risk each vaccine has when making your choice- AND take care when around the immune compromised if you have been recently vaccinated or around someone with the illnesses even if you don't show symptoms. If vaccinated kids get diseased, then i suggest you keep your kids away from everyone. And you know, most adults are not up to date on vaccinations either. Anyway if you vaccinate, the vaccine shed and spread disease so i suggest you keep them away from anyone for 6 weeks after that. Resposibility is as much yours. So according to Fight For Old Dc Caps Shirt, if u dont vaccinate, your child will spread a non existant virus tht they dont have, while their vaccinated child who has been injected with a known virus is actually safe to be around? This is the height of ignorance. No usingthe facilities(brain) tht they were given. Just let them have free choice and keep drinking the coolaid the govt gives them. As long as they dont trespass on our rights and mandate anything. I find that of all the highly educated and successful people I know, some are pro vaccine and some are anti vaccine. However, the most uneducated and least successful are almost always indoctrinated to the pro vaccine mindset. It’s too hard to swim against the current in the lower classes of society. St. Jude's children's hospital asks that if you have been recently vaccinated to stay away for at least 30 what are you afraid of? You who vaccinate are the ones spreading the diseases for which you were vaccinated for plus the fact maybe even paying the price as your child is damaged or murdered with this poison! Funny how when at the doctor we were told to “avoid people who have had recent vaccines”... yet no warnings were given to the contrary. (Yes my Fa Thor Like A Dad Just Way Cooler Shirt is immune compromised) That’s very considerate of Sam Koger to keep her vaccinated child away from anyone unvaccinated, knowing that her vaccinated child can put others at risk by shedding live viruses for a period of time after. My kids are all vaccinated and they have always been healthy and continue to be and thriving well!!! There is a couple that I have opted from but still no reason to judge ones opinion. It blows my mind how parents who think their vaccinated children are in harm by those who choose not to vaccinate!!! What the hell did you vaccinate for... Not everyone thinks the same everyone is different just let her be no point in trying to argue with a person who has their mind made up. Or even try to change them and open their eyes never works until it happens to them. Yall are giving this subway sandwich maker to much Splatoon 2 World Championship Shirt. Who's gonna take her advice...not I. She'd probably mess up my request for extra black olives on my sandwich. Funny if vaccinations work so well why are you afraid my un vaccinated shouldn't it be the other way around isn't that the point of vaccinations so you don't get sick in the first place even if you're exposed so why get them if they don't work. She's 17. I'm just glad my daughters stayed away from chicks like you and will have a life outside of welfare. Good luck with your overly-vaccinated kid, kid! Happy to do so... oh just so she knows.... no ear Expressions Of Bumgarner T Shirt, no eczema, no antibiotics, no cradle cap, no glasses, no allergies, and no cavities... for starters in 17 plus years.. h. 5 of us in our family just got whooping cough from a friend who was fully vaccinated for it, still got it herself, and shed it to our entire family! This is sadly no joke. If their “vaccines” work— then why are my kids a threat to them when they are healthy as can be and theirs were just injected with a form of the disease lol 😷

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