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One And Done Shirt

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When an asylum seeker wants to come to the United States, she has two choices: come to the bridge to ask for asylum, or sneak into the country. Why sneak in? Well, because border patrol officers often don’t permit people to seek asylum. They tell them to turnaround, we aren’t accepting asylum seekers. In fact, now border patrol officers are patrolling the Mexican territory in front of the borders to keep asylum seekers from even crossing the bridge. This leaves option two: the only way to get in. Historically, asylum seekers who crossed over got immediately apprehended (we don’t have the porous borders the Administration claims we do), then were placed in family detention centers and put through the credible fear interview process. If they passed, they got out of detention and finished out the asylum process in court. If they failed, they were sent back. This was far from a tolerable solution, but it has “worked” this way for over a decade, with subtle shifts in policies and practices.

What changed? The Trump Administration decided in May to enact a “zero tolerance” policy against people crossing the border. This means everyone, regardless of cause or circumstance of entry, gets prosecuted for illegal entry. Parents of children, including infants, are being taken to federal court and their children are being placed in custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. There is NO agency responsible for facilitating communication or reunification of these families. Parents are getting deported without their kids, and shelters are filling up. These families are being transferred and taken all around the US depending on where there is space for them. Parents are not told where they are going, where their kids are, or whether they are okay. If this does not horrify you, check your pulse.

What can you do? Here is the hard part. And I promise to keep working on this. Immigration attorneys can help – that’s easy. You can travel to detention centers and help parents pass their credible fear interviews and get out on bond. A volunteer sheet will be circulating within the next week. Nonimmigration lawyers can partner with an immigration attorney or attend a training (Mark your calendars for an opportunity for Austin Bar Association members the afternoon of June 25.) Nonlawyers – there are the obvious options: contact your legislators and demand an end to family separation. Form mom groups, dad groups, psychologist groups, contact the media, and get loud. Give money. I personally think money is best spent on the RAICES bond fund (…) where 100% of your donation will help pay to get a parent out of detention so they can claim their own child.

You can grab it here: One And Done T Shirt

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What you should not do, in my opinion: anything to support or legitimize what is happening. This includes offering to foster these kids and take them off the hands of the agency, donate supplies, or assist the Department of Homeland Security in any way. I know your hearts are in the right place, and you want to help the kids. But if the shelters are at capacity and no one is offering to take the kids, maybe the administration will stop taking them from their parents. Maybe they need to feel the pain of what it is to care for so many distraught babies, so they stop the horror show.

Thank you for reading this far, for letting me get this off my chest, and for caring. The only positive that comes out of moments like these is the groundswell of goodness. From MSNBC's Chris Hayes:
"Since the president is lying about this, I'll reiterate that we obtained internal CBP documents that show that ****91%**** of Rip Xxxtentacion 1998 2018 Shirt whose kids are taken away are being prosecuted for misdemeanor FIRST TIME entry."

Can't help but see parallels in our incarceration policies regarding African Americans who often end up sitting around for months awaiting trial on a minor charge only to receive another and another and another till eventually they are felons.....their rights completely appropriated by an unjust system that bleeds away their freedom, their right to vote, their families, their lives......A great Deadpool X Men Trainee Shirt, “Hotel On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet”, tells a story about a Japanese-American boy and a Chinese-American girl in San Francisco, during WWII, who fall in love, only to be split apart when Asian Americans were rounded up and shipped ro internment camps. A historical novel, it was very well-written by James Ford. I highly recommend it.I am embarrassed to be an American. This is deplorable! Both Bush And Obama rejected the idea of separating immigrant families!! I will Never understand how/why the repubs fall in lock step with Trump!!!

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”
― Voltaire.This is so tragic and unnecessary and painful to decent people worldwide.

Right now, I’m not proud to be American when Trump and his administration are committing crimes against humanity .

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