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Offical Please Stop Smoking Cigarettes Long Sleeve Shirt

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I'd rather have a stoned driver than a putting on their makeup driver. I'd rather have a stoned driver than a drunk driver. I'd rather have a stoned driver than a pokemoning driver. Want me to keep going? yes, there is a reason it is against the law, and you can google it! william randolph hearst, the owner of the 3 largest paper mills, at the time, and dupont were threatened by it. they stood to lose millions from it! so hearst, who had a buddy name harry anslinger in the newly formed ATF, got him to "demonize" the deadly cannabis! it wasn't even called "marijuana" at the time, that's a name they made up, because it sounded more mexican. they made a film called "reefer madness" to show the effects of it, claiming that mexican "migrant workers" and black jazz musicians would smoke it and go out and rape white women. at that time, you could buy it over the counter in any pharmacy, and it was used for many different ailments. 1 acre of "hemp" can produce as much pulp as 6 acres of woods, and it grows in ONE season! even henry ford, the car manufacturer, planned on using it to make car parts, that were lighter and more durable.

Review Offical Please Stop Smoking Cigarettes Long Sleeve Shirt

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there's a video of ford beating on a door made of cannabis resin! but anslinger, who took a beating from the repeal of prohibition, suddenly found himself and the newly formed ATF, out of a job, as it were. backed by hearst and dupont, and the pharmaceutical companies they conspired to make this harmless herb illegal! so Lee Ann here's your proof, you can check my facts, if you dare! i only have one more thing to add, read Genesis 1:29... Have u ever drove stoned because i have never drove unstoned there is no problem with handling a vehichle under the influence of thc if u can handle ya weed. It’s illegal because it’s a tool for population control. Alcohol and marijuana’s effects are not comparable. he contradicted him self when he said just don't smoke cigarettes then talk about nicotine being addictive. also literally ever smoker knows it is bad we don't care. we burn 14.6 million barrels of oil a day in this country, Hundred of thousands of ton of coal, and we use so much pesticides in the Mississippi water shed that there is a dead zone in the gulf of Mexico the size of new jersey but god forbid i smoke cigarettes i am such a horrible person for that. get real here.
