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MPR Raccoon Shirt

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Ya have quarrel again said man is resourceful sudah2 don't let us fix ourselves each let God alone who mehkumi we just need to ask and try to be better.Being a scholar is not tnpa pmbrih who is called ulama ulma yg mnyejukn mngayomi guardian himself hya Allah swt yg memblas clue ulama mnebar result not ask yg lai hya surrender to the Almighty Allah swt. Spark we must know jngn because one can bahasa Arabic then we mmbri the degree of ulama but do not know juannya where our spark is sinful. Directly hya didirikita is not in others.What an toh comentnya.... wish ya that courtesy tho clue btw.... this is still d holy month Ramadan right dear clue fasting we cancel only because of this ky debate... yes anyway??Teguh Tarigan you are right challenging war. Well, I'm humoring you, there's no need for Islam. Enough me with you. Black above white make your agreement or I close age. Don't bring your religion. Because in our organization prioritize harmony. Even the members of our organization are the and from various tribes. Good Ambon, Batak etc. Even my best friend is a lot of Christians, Hindu and Buddhist. My field working area banten jakarta bogor. Where are you?

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- Bppkb Banten -Let God judge,, where we stand there remain God's power,, g need to disimpang siurkan problems like this,, let enough those who do not believe there will be God sang maha creator dinning things like this,, let word scholars so " an, kyai fake,, they will have karma for their own deeds nntinya,, we as ordinary human beings can be what,, yaa live to according to syar ' I and conclude state invitation..What is the rights of government maucsertifikasih ulama, I feel funny kok government now feel more know religion from scholars, if understand religion why tu there penista diem only infact bela, tuh promise campaign kok not trust. If indo government is Islam like middle east country or Malaysia and Brunei want religious certification fair only well this same Islam only phobia when in id write islam. Funny this country.We do not need many books, we have the Qur ' an and hadist. The book of tafseer is only the thought of mnusia. If the Qur ' an is clear the word of Allah swt.Emmanuel Emmanuel do not interfere with our religion, you are clearly not Muslim. And the scholars are not logically measured academic because of the status of community scholars who give value dri first sebdlum there is academic.
Don't you be patronizing and be more know take care of your own IIf non muslin interfere with Muslim affairs, I want to ask you to follow your book what is the teachings of the church, which is in what faith? Emmanuel you think Jesus died on the cross or didn't die on the cross..??He doesn't know, pancasila basic made from where. A the maker. Just ask Mr. Karno who is also an Islam.. How is he as president of nervous pancaila on the basis of dr where. He must know. Because he is Islam. It must be the basis of the Islamic teachings that must also tolerate other religions. MK in make this pansaila because Indonesia stands dr bnyak agam wlpn the most majority is Islam. . Clue don't believe ask n meet him.I'm not arrogant about Islam but I'm sorry. Pak karno yg mbuat pancasila remember in Islam. Don't forget this little thing. So don't you feel proud of pancasila and make it God. Wrong. The Core of Dr. Pancasila does not know how to admit pancasila. See Mr. Karno hasn't been able to admit bela pancasila. Oaaalh oaaalaaah manungso manungso.. Uripo Sajroning Dead, matio sakjroning urip gen word all sanyatane..

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Review MPR Raccoon Shirt

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If it needs to be reviewed to make it a public title mechanism by the government, it is better for the reason of this religious scientific scholarly that is increasingly mengkwatirkan, only by learning religion through medsos and translation books have already dared to conclude and even nembentuk opinion that results results It is the most true with the basis of 1,2 theorem.... so it raises kegaduhanpublik. Now this is an age of openness, competency must be tested, integrity is clear.... not just ads from his followers only or mode mode, so avoid tertipunya public society yg sok soan alim in way silly fanatics.Emmanuel... you think Islam is the same as your religion... it can be brain, altered & turned-back loves human-made religion aja & YG worshipped God man... in the name of peace, love and dear God rules of religion Can be turned back, brain atik & diuba change.. How to word God bs diamandemen...Islamic Ummah from used to give birth to scholars has no academic and academic no right to test the capacity of scholars and not written works that make Dad Don’t Babysit It’s Called Parenting Shirt JD Ulama. The criteria are only Islamic Ummah that reserves the right to give confession to scholars. Academic degree does not become a guarantee of status in Islamic religion, not like in Christian. Make the book of tafseer not the size of JD a scholar, never mind you don't have to interfere with us. Just I your own because you don't understand because you're not Islam. One simply an for you try to show which verse is saying that Jesus al still said that himself is a mandatory God in worship, and what tu trinity.The Ulama is called for people who have Islamic knowledge ckup capable he understand once with alqur ' an and hadist not him alone who claims to admit ulama if he alone admit admit ulama mha atuuh udh so ulama all x Islamic people in Indonesia..It's so true that Islam just hate to be certification of Dad Don’t Babysit It’s Called Parenting Shirt, SM. Istinja SJ do not understand want to mnggurui ulama??? JD YG on tu who.Ali Bonasiir then ads people who claim scholars example he said like this 'I am ulama so syapa yg you learned ma I come here' that you do not believe brafti he is only people vyasa.Islamic The Incredibles 2 Shirt and al Qur 'an is not man-made..! Heart " KL talk..! Islamic religion al Qur' an is sent down God directly..! from his time Prophet Adam until prophet muhamad as perfecter..! the teachings are the word of God YG Written in sheet by sheet.. who is gathered into the Qur 'an and guaranteed its authenticity because in penyusunanya there is a mix of Angel Gabriel forgive revelation..! So.. Religion of Islam and al Qur' an revealed by God written by man.. It does not mean that writing human religion made by man.. Please learn more in lgi... dlm berstatment..!!! KL knowledge is still shallow.. maybe diem is better..!!Mr Imanuel.. in Islam there is RUKUM FAITH 6.. that is believe in qodo ' and qodar... believe the life of destiny that has already happened and that will soon happen... that is the life of the hereafter... For us Muslims trust in what is written in the Qur 'an is absolute truth...! Do not be tested with any theory..! because we believe..! Just believe in the Qur' an as his al furqon...! KL is asked in theory and logic.. Why should we believe in the final day and life of heaven and hell? There is faith in strong heart so it does not waver to ask why..? No important enough God in our live...! maybe kl all content of Qur ' an must have theory and proof...! Hard to prove kl true heaven and hell..!! Because KL mo heading there must go through the nature of death first.. KL Mr Mo Proof.. GK papa 😂 automatically have to die first just back to the world again story... Truth..!! PD all of us.. just believe Kan Bpk.. So Kira " explanation simply...! N
It may be different with your trust..! because we are enough with faith.. able to accept things that make sense and yg not because there is ketaqwaaan obedience to God.Emmanuel Emmanuel if you really want to know the answer to your question my advice please ask to ulama scholars in the Indonesian Ulema Assembly. My advice because they understand more than Lebron James Ultimate Warrior T Shirt who comment here.But if Mr. Emmanuel is truly true apostle apostle before Muhammad you should know the evidence of the Quran being put down by GabrielNo April pegazus kl mang he's smart! He will be able to digest what I describe... that kl mang knowledge arrived... kl gk get free dijelasinya..! is like a word capacity of Islamic knowledge and religion is just a cup of coffee.

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TP I pour as much as one bucket...!! is not on spilled tuh...! 😂Is ok slow down slow response..!!Because from the age of Adam only Muhammad has been referred to as rasul end of time and refinement of the religion of Allah swt.April pegazus my is equal to flat earth short axis, because they like mengkafir kafirkan fellow Muslims who are not in line with their brains.For Mr. Imanuel, how good are you to read the contents of the Quran (translation mufassir) Overall and compare to your Marcus Lemonis Heart T Shirt overall, do not heartedly or choose and with an open and honest mind. I'm sure you can find the red thread which is God's teachings and where man-made teachings. Even if you really do that with an open heart inshaallah hidayah will approach you.f we discuss religious problems that we believe in sopasti mace. But let us discuss our deeds that are beneficial to each other God's creation. Super greetings to all of us.If you want proof so much if al Qur ' an indeed kalam divine as long as you want to learn the contents of al Qur ' an, one example only al Qur ' an will not be able to be in fox by humans and jin start to drop until day kiyamat...

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