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I Have Been Stuck With More Needles Had More X Ray TShirt

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The Paris Accord was expensive garbage that WE funded while the rest of the world did nothing. It was an unenforceable treaty that had no consequences for anyone not following it. The wall is a great idea because ILLEGAL immigration and open areas to smuggle drugs isn't good for OUR country, mmm kay?

The travel restrictions are great and will be over turned when it hits the Supreme Court. They're primarily using Obama's people who determined those were the biggest threats, not counting the fact that the President has power over immigration. The Supreme Court ruled on this in the past and Congress gave the President more power in that regard.

Check out all of the terrorist attacks overseas, do you think any of that has to do with them allowing refugee's in without vetting them properly??

Review I Have Been Stuck With More Needles Had More X Ray TShirt

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Obama lied about keeping premiums lower and being able to keep your current doctors. ACA is a mess and competition fuels the marketplace, not government regulations mandating everything. In fact, when the government puts their nose in anything it overwhelmingly gets worse. Check the VA as a perfect example of government backed healthcare. Robert Huddleston your source must be Trump or FOX News because almost everything you just mentioned has been refuted numerous times. We actually contributed in the lower regions to the Paris Accord than most countries. You think a wall is going to stop illegal immigration. At least ask for more border security, instead of a billion dollar medieval racist monument. The travel ban is unconstitutional and will finally be put to rest in the SC, likely 5-4 (Kennedy, Breyer, Hagan, Ginsburg & Sotomayor). And to cap it off, premiums will be higher under Trumpcare than they ever will be under Obamacare, the superior plan. Trump will make elders pay 800% more, give millions in tax breaks to the rich and kick 24 million people off health insurance. So much winnin. Too bad Trump will be impeach for his treasonous acts with Russia before he can keep one campaign promise. It's just as acceptable as Obama effigies being hanged! Nothing wrong obviously. Luis Gonzalez I see some of your points but not others. The wall isn't going to happen, it's unrealistic. And if so how would it be dangerous? Healthcare is debatable it ruins some but saves others much like how Obamacare kicked people of their insurance companies and taxed the uninsured but it was a cheaper, reliable insurance for those that needed it and had some money. Pulling out of the Paris accord wasn't necessarily dangerous. I agree that we need environmental protection but I believe it was exceptionally primed against us. We couldn't compete with countries that aren't part of it ,or those that have lesser restrictions. School choice preference, I believe it should be state wide choice in the first place but sure. The travel ban I believe is actually the opposite of dangerous. It's the reason that we haven't had as many Islamic attacks as Europe. Nothing is really dangerous. It's not like he's started WW3. If anything he's just continued Obamas role in the Middle East, which started with Bush. I respect your opinions but I don't agree with them. Robert Huddleston have you tried not drinking the Fox koolaid? SCOTUS is going to give the ban a go ahead 🤣 The wall is NEVER going to happen, and if it does, it's coming out of our pockets. Billions. And you think premiums are high now? They're only high because Republicans wouldn't allow the ACA to be passed without safeguards for the insurance and pharmaceutical companies that fund them. Do you think more than 20 million people without ANY insurance is better? Because that's what Trump is proposing. You have a heart Two Seater Shirt and don't have money - too bad you deserve to die! No preexisting conditions, like being born with a disease or being raped. If you think the Paris Accord is a piece of garbage, unlike the rest of the developed world, than you are supremely arrogant and pitifully ignorant, just like your precious "leader". Sorry, but you're the delusional one. Ethan Erb and there's nothing wrong with disagreeing but I see some faults in your reasoning as well. A wall is dangerous, threatening to break up families, harming those trying to flee oppression in their own country & wasting billions on something ineffective. Trumpcare will allow insurers to deny based on pre-existing conditions yet again, double premiums in just a couple of years, and again, strip coverage from millions. It's a death Logic Rick And Morty Shirt for the elderly and a saving grace for the top 1%. States that voted for Trump will be hit hardest, I just don't understand how they can ignore it. Yes, Obamacare isn't perfect but it is the superior plan of the two. No denying that.

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