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Green For Grenfell Shirt

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And those that can't be identified may well be those unofficially there. And to be honest, if that is the case, those who have sub let and gained from an illegal practise should be brought before the court.That's good then so I don't have to worry now, I'll just let my properties out with no safety certificates, fill them above the recommended occupancy and if it burns down I'll just say it's a tragedy and claim an amnesty. Any loss of life is tragic but the law is the law it's what holds society together.If anything, the penalty should be more severe in this instance, both because the death toll was probably higher as a result of this illegal practice and also to deter others who might have similar ideas. The issue is the police need to be able to know who was in the building. And they have no way of knowing if they don't know whether or not it was being subletted. The person isn't going to come forward and say that this person was living there if they will then get charged for it! they will if they stop the housing benefit for anybody living in those flats who have not reported in as being safe. Surely those individuals will soon be shouting about wanting their benefits back.We are citizens of earth and should uphold the law with a strong consideration of morals towards people born in less fortunate situations.Austin Leva are you real ?? - how many "earth citizens" embassies have you seen ?? When is the mother ship picking you up ?? One rule for one comes to mind . Country is a bloody joke . Terrible that those poor souls lost there lives in that horrendous fire . But people wer making money out of subletting to them as well as claiming benifits and raping the system and tax payers money . I may add if the Dhs did regular checks a lot less people would of perished . The sub letters should be charged cos if they hadn't let the properties out less people wouldn't of lost there lives . Those sub letters have blood on their hands in my view.If you overloaded a passenger ship and it sank the captain would be charged with manslaughter. If a cab driver overloaded a taxi and wasn't insured. Dangerous driving and probably manslaughter. Sub let a council apartment and people die. Amnesty and new swanky £1m apartment. Nice! .No they broke the law along with any illegal immigrants who were living there and should face prosecution,or do we just say the fire was an accident and no one will face prosecution.Shocked not! How many were there illegally in the first place? The ones who were lucky enough to escape the fire are now to be given amnesty and a home of their own, not to mention the fixtures and fittings and a income courtesy of the British tax payer, some incentive to abide by the laws of our country eh? And the government wonder why we're a bit upset!They should have realised the Fire risk they were potentially attributing too, when packing them into rooms like sardines and sleeping/eating in the corridors. Our Laws are there for a reason and up to each individual if they wish to break them, not the Council or Government's fault.The value of the law is corrupt and leans towards keeping rich people rich and wealthy in England and unaccountable for their actions.

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I ask you Alan, what`s the value of the law if not to protect those born in lesser positions from harm they have brought to no one but themselves from a lack of education and the being taken advantage of by those with an education?Alan Turnbull have you not figured out yet that laws in this country only apply to a certain demographic. The marxist militant left have ensured that PC does not allow law enforcement to happen for fear of being branded whatever the word of the day is.Austin I agree with the premise of what you are saying, but, the If You Rub My Butt You Can Pull My Pork Bbq Shirt exists for more than just that, for any society to function safely and with tolerance and fairness we must have rules that are followed by Everyone. The people who enforce them are answerable if they fail to do their job, otherwise there is anarchy, the rules cannot be changed for a handful of people when the majority are forced to follow them or face punishment.Utter joke. I'd put the dead at around 200. Whole building was predominantly a haven for illegal immigrants. Those subletting should be tried for manslaughter.Susan sharp may I ask how they can be claiming benefits if they are illegal immigrants?
The ignorance of some people is truly astounding.A council house or flat is privilege, and some of the so-called needy have abused the system !!

These are the people ripping off our welfare state, prosecute don't reward !!Funny how when it comes to other nationalities theres an Amnesty. Not Racist but this is enough to turn any one racist. Should be a rule to apply to Fa Thor Shirt – Fathor Shirt. The Governments to blame for the Racisim that is rising day by day. Fair enough people lost their lives and our hearts go out to them. But how can British people go on being treated like 2nd class citizens in this country.he irony is, those who sublet and cram up to 20 people or more in a two bedroomed flat would normally be prosecuted and the main reason being is the potential fire risk.

Are we now going to see Corbynn and McDonnell screaming for a march against the law breakers or is McDonnell going call them murderers? No because he and labour care only about hating the British.That's why nobody will ever know how many died. This is not the fault of any Emergency Services or Politicians either...... draw your own conclusions now as to why ...Wrong. They should be prosecuted as they contributed to the number of people killed by illegally subletting their property out to others and thus making it twice as difficult for the Fortnite Just Play It T Shirt to be able to work out who was in which flat.They're saying it so that people come forward and say x was renting off me, they're missing/presumably dead. Or neighbours will etc without fear of prosecution. It's so they can figure out who was actually living there and who died.They are more likely to give names if a light sentence was offered...
As it stands they can just say they have no idea....these people probably crammed far more people into one apartment than possible,ignoring any concerns in an emergency...they are culpable for endangering lives.Well if they were legally entitled to be in this country and had legally rented the accomodation then there would be no problem. No amnesty to criminals or illegal immigrants.Why does everyone immediately talk about illegal immigrants. It could be friends sofa Surfing
Yes sub letting
Tenants letting relatives whilst away
Surely at the moment the main task is to find out just who is missing.Alright do foreign people not sublet to English speaking folk? & do English**(u.k) people not sublet to foreign speaking folk? Any one could have been living in those flat's & need to be identified..If they are on such poor money as they claim, tell me how they cAn afford to be away? It's wrong and it's a I Am A Marvelaholic Shirt of the law that we have to follow!The people who had been living there owes it to friends to report them missing and they should have no punishment ! What sort of people would withhold such information?
However those who sublet their flats illegally should never be allowed to access a Council flat again!And before the do goodness start shouting if they had sublet they did not experience The blaze and loss of life and Fortnite Nike Shirt ! But some of those peow could have been killed so cant report the names
If people had been visiting to break the fast and everyone killed who would know?And I bet because their name is on the rent book and even though they were not themselves living there they are lining up fp rehousing and compensation. I understand the need to declare an amnesty for Greenfell to help accurately identify numbers and who any bodies are, but surely they should also raid every other tower block and do a spot check. No amnesty for people caught subletting in other blocks. Anyone subletting should lose the property whether they own it outright or not.So we turn a blind eye to illegal actions?

... mustn't offend ;-)

So are immigrants getting council properties and then subletting them to illegals and make enough money to buy a 6 bedroom house of their own?Elaine Kelly Makes you wonder what would happen if the flats were full of Brits - I'm sure they'd be prosecuted because WE can't be seen to be above the law - last time I heard it was the same laws for everyone.Cooper AJ I bet it will be a lot more than 5 Jean Ralphio The Wooorst Three Jean Moon Shirt - why do you think the big issue over the "mental anguish" has surfaced - I bet every single one of them has got a dodgy injury lawyer. Do they honestly believe these people breaking the law and screwing the system have a conscience and will come forward! No they will reap the benefits of a brand new flat to break the law again! Our country is on its arse.Don't know if I agree with this, if they hadn't of broken the law they wouldn't of been in there. Suppose it should depend on the type of sub let if they let a 1 bed flat to 10 illegals who had no chance of escape and now no chance of justice then why is the sub land lord getting of Scott free!This is utterly disgusting! The law is the law and nobody should be exempt from prosecution for committing criminal offences.

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