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Foo Fighters Fenway 2018 Tee

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Shockingly, everyone seemed to leave it out of this. Nice job.
*Golf clap. Sorry, what a WITCH! She could have at least said honey, may I think about it? Or
something to that effect. She deserves very nasty periods for a LONG LONG while. May she
find man after man that will NOT put up with a SHREW loke HER! Jeeze bud. Calm down. This
woman is not obligated in the slightest to say anything but the truth to this man. She was
probably mad that he decided to spring a proposal on her in such a public place. This guy is at
best sadly naive and at worst trying to publicly pressure her into saying yes. There's not even a
video. How the heck do you know how kind or tactful she was or wasn't? Maybe the man should
have been more thoughtful and considerate by discussing marriage before putting his girlfriend
up on a jumbotron. Hey, Rich, maybe she would have said word for word what you said, if he
asked her privately.

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Review Foo Fighters Fenway 2018 Tee

broken image

Anything she says without a head nod looks like no, so she says no. It's very
concerning that you're happy to scream at a stranger with zero details because she said no to a
proposal. what we have all of us is a bunch of conjecture. Do i agree that he should have done
homework OR known his lady better, sure, but we may nver know... i actually looked at it and
felt pity for him as the initiator. Once i read it and found out about the arguing, i said, oh well. It
may be just my opinion but a quiet setting for 2 makes for a more romantic proposal. You have
that time together being the only 2 that know before you tell the world. It's pretty special. Guys,
don't propose in front of an audience. That sucks the excitement out of being able to make the
grand announcement. Like I said, just my opinion.
I feel more sorry for the girl being put on display at Fenway. Everyone is weighing in, yet none
of you have a clue. Maybe he proposed way too early? Perhaps she suspects cheating? Perhaps
she's not ready? Perhaps she cheated and feels bad about it? A vague video and suddenly
everyone has a blame game to play. Right , wrong, not well planned out, whatever. Call it what
ya want. I feel bad for the guy. He expressed his love for her publicly , and got turned down in
front of a crowd. That had to hurt. Its bound to happen eventually. Idk about you guys , but the
whole public proposal thing is getting old. When you propose to the right gal I always thought it
should be in private, not making an a** of yourself in front of total strangers. This is why we
don't do stupid stuff... Stop trying to draw unwarranted attention to yourself and your actions.

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one should make a spectacle out of a matter that should private. Same goes for the stupid viral
prom requests. That's why if -I- were a guy, I'd NEVER do that in public. Plus, I, personally,
think it's cheesy. A proposal should be a PRIVATE moment. Just MY OPINION. How can you
be so far off in a relationship that she says no when you are ready for forever?!? How can she be
so inconsiderate of his feelings? She should have nodded and said we will discuss this after the
game. Poor guy who cares about money when you lay your feelings out for the world to see how
much you love this woman and she stomps your heart in front of can make more
money getting over this is going to be difficult.

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