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Feminist Father V-neck Shirt

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Would love to see all of the swampy scum hang and asphyxiate slowly and suffer! For you ''christians'' who voted for this administration, PLEASE DON'T MENTION THAT YOU'RE CHRISTIAN! When Jesus had his earthly ministry HE HAD COMPASSSION ON THE LESS FORTUNATE OF SOCIETY! Do you see the republicans who you vote for have any compassion towards those who are not as fortunate as they? Trump is a Russian asset Traitor, a fascist racist and should be dragged out of the White House by his ankles, dragged behind a truck down Independence Ave and hung from the portico of the Lincoln Memorial. It was predicted that Satan would walk in our world and it's happen. We need to open our eyes and ears and see what's happening, prayers are needed. Our Congress is hypnotized by Satan, won't do a thing to get rid of him.( Trump). In God we trust! If you find this acceptable, I feel sorry for you! This is so inhumane and unconscionable. I know there are Americans out there saying, "He shouldn't have come here illegally" or "That's one less illegal we have to worry about"!How can Christians find this acceptable? How can Congress allow this to happen? The world is watching and wondering what has happened to America! We don't have to worry about outsiders coming in to hurt us; trump is doing it from the inside! Ģop are the animals! Enough is enough! Where is frickin Congress?why are these families being put in jail when seeking asylum? People should check Sessions to see if he’s or anyone else is making money putting these poor people in jail.
November can’t come soon enough. I hope he feels guilty for these poor poor people who rather dye then be separated from their children
Terrible. How come the courts are not involved. Telling Trump It's unconstitutional to treat people like that.These people are not terrorist.

You can get it here: Feminist Father Shirt

Review Feminist Father V-neck Shirt

broken image

My heart breaks for this poor family!
The death of this father is the direct result of the inhumane policies the so-called leader has put in place! What kind of monster develops policies that require children to be ripped away from their parents? Brutality and cruelty are seen as strengths by our dreadful so-called leader! He is the cruelest, most insensitive bully in the world! So sad he felt he had no options, he just wanted his family!! Hope karma comes back around for this administration. So sad he felt he had no options, he just wanted his family!! Hope karma comes back around for this administration Some of these people are fleeing death leaving everything behind. They don't get news papers watch the news have smart phone s they walk fore weeks with no food water. They don't know when they cross the boarder their kids are going to be torn out of their arms . Terrible karma. Trump does not care but I hope the good caring Christians who are members of the GOP will wake up and realize what he has done. In my Christian world I will be made accountable for my actions (alone) and I believe if by word or deed you don't do something YOU will be held accountable on resurection day!!! Thing about it Christians! Oh my gosh, how sad.... I feel so bad for him, and for all the people that are being so inhumanly. I can’t believe Trump and Sessions are doing this, or maybe I can. It’s getting to the point where anything is possible with this madman. And you think 45 cares? The lives of so many people are effected by this person,even in death,murder by cars,take a little time to think about it,all the No One Is Illegal On Stolen Land Shirt since he's been in office! All republican that still support him are also need to own it . This happen in your watch you can not blame democrat . When you put your party before your country no matter how bad he or she are as long it is a republican . What so It is so sad what has happened with the country. There is no humanity left in our government. All of this because some people couldn't deal with the idea of Hilary carrying on Obama's legacy. Way to go, you worthless piece of sh*t! Unfortunately people like you without a conscience will never feel this pain level or empathy so don't really care. We’re not going to leave our children anything in the future with this MENTAL PSYCHO running this country, he’s a total disgrace to the USA!!!! Thanks DUMPYSHIT Supporters!!! #45 IS the worst person on this planet! He has to be locked up for our own safety and preservation of our country and democracy!

It is available here: I Love Titties And Jack Daniel’s Shirt

Spanky and the Elf should spend eternity in hell. How many lives have been ruined so far with no end in sight. Time for a trumpectomy......... his is beyond comprehension and yes I hope all you supporters are happy with what is going on in our If You Rub My Butt You Can Pull My Pork Bbq Shirt. Whether or not you can or cannot tolerate immigrants and illegals, this is a friggin sin against humanity! The only way to stop the madness is to show up in masses in November and unseat all those who enabled this president. We must reclaim all branches and show this tyrant the door, to his jail cell. God bless that father. Trump clamps to be a Christian. We have a lot of people saying there a Christian an they go right. Along with him with his dev I hope someone with integrity did the autopsy and reviewed the condition of the body. The whole thing stinks that the Trump administration can do this. I'll feel sorry for his grandkids when he and their parents all go to jail but maybe they won't be raised to be criminals. There will be more, probably has been and not reported. What kind of heartless bast**d does this to families! And the spineless party that support him. This is so unAmerican! Is this Trump’s idea of MAGA? He should be ashamed....but he is incapable of feeling such an emotion. Sad for America and the families he is tearing apart.

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