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Did It For The Bay Nike TShirt

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What a bunch of dummies! You'd think that after all the practice with SH, 9/11, etc., they'd get it right by now! A conspiracy theory starts because something huge happened, moon landing, JFK, Roswell, etc..... people think it has to be an equal reason why it happened. It's not their fault, the human brain is wired to do so.......I learned this from Adam Ruins Everything on tv. Why should he talk to some of these talking heads who treat victims like him terribly when Ellen would treat him kindly? You people really think our government cares about 59 people being killed? Lmfao! They do that daily in other countries and we never hear about it lolol why has this mans story changed more than his underwear? IT'S A CONSPIRACY!
There's no way something we have been predicting for years would happen could possibly happen! There is no mystery, no plot to this tragedy. Yet, there is a concerted effort by Mandalay/MGM to muddle the timeline, manipulate witnesses and control their own staff to protect themselves from the coming lawsuits. If you're going to mass murder suicide, and you have two private jets just a few miles away, why use guns?

Totally missed an opportunity. you'd have to be a complete BLIND idiot to think this doesn't stink...,there is ALOT of fishy circumstances about this ordeal..,tragic as it is...,it is NOT as the media is tellin' it. we have YET to see one..,ONE piece of footage of the "alledged" shooter even checking into to this hotel ,which has more cameras than fort Knox...,plus time lines aren't matching up...,don't be fooled folks..,this stinks to high heaven of bad bad intentions..,and the perps didn't do ALL their homework and cover ALL their bases. How sad that none of these people matter to the NRA and many of the crazy 2nd amendment people. I love how he was missing/vanished and then appears on Ellen set..... not odd at all. The main way to marginalise the threat of terrorism is for ALL of us to think "Singapore" before thinking "Chinese", "Malay", "Indian", "Eurasian", "Others". It does not matter if you are Singaporean or PR or foreign talent, it does not matter what your religion or race or language or nationality or age or income level or gender is; We are one BIG family. Well said bro.. 👏🏼
Legend is together we grow & prosper, this movie touches on how a Japanese samurai loyal to the Thai kingdom which saved his life.. Good inspiring movie. And monk explanation to other bodyguards towards his different nationality is excellent. "one big family"?? You are idealistic. S'pore is nothing more than a rojak land. Ever wonder we are called Singaporean Chinese/Malay/Indian rather than Chinese/Malay/Indian Singaporean??'s because Singapore comes first. If only every single one of us thinks the same, that is to foster a big family in unity, we can bring happiness and prosperity within our nation. Lol easy to type hard to time don't ask for halal food then since everyone same. I agree with Faisal.

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Review Did It For The Bay Nike TShirt

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If residents here do not live in harmony with one other and show respect for each other, regardless of their origin of birth, this "internal war" will create a big trouble in the future.

An individual's irrational thinking and irresponsible acts can snow ball into an international terrorism when more and more mind-alike individuals follow him blindly. My sincere thanks for your warm comments. I marvel at how far we have come from our early days as a nation. There are always Lebron James Ultimate Warrior T Shirt for one reason or another, but most of us now, whether CEO or newly entering the workforce, take the same MRT or bus and eat at similar places during lunch and shop at the same supermarkets and run or walk or cycle or play or relax at the same NPB parks, etc. I have come across people who are multimillionaires but live so simply that one cannot tell if they are rich. Their simplicity and humility demonstrates that they believe in a higher ideal, something greater than themselves. They represent a diverse religious, cultural, racial background. Some of them come from other countries, some are local, some are highly educated, some are not, some are men, some are women and so on. They are different and yet similar. They speak different languages. But the attributes I found common in them are extreme love, tolerance for each other and optimism for the future. I have met others who have different income and education Trump Fathers Day Shirt but their mindsets are the same; to celebrate pluralism and individuality but think of Singapore first because it is a dominant part of our identity; we are one BIG family. And as long as we have love and tolerance for each other and are optimistic about our / our children's / their children's (and so on) future, we will lookout for each other and for Singapore and terrorism will never be able to take root amongst us. Jonathan Yeow , really? You really think the PAP "aristocrats" are coated with the same sauce as us?

Kraskho Erguna, there is nothing wrong in supporting Palestinian self-determination. Don't confuse it with Islamist radicalism. YES!!!! Singapore should continues to stay in ONE BIG FAMILY regardless any race, Toothless And The Light Fury Shirt & originality!! SINGAPOREANS ....YOU CAN DO IT!!!! <3 TO ALL!!!! Yes !!! We are one big Family one and foremost...better Clear and clean All of your Bomb Shelter because most Of them Use Bomb shelter as storage.. Later Kena Bomb Open Bomb shelter headache..hahahahaha. You all dun be racist ah..relax ah...

We the citizen of Singapore
pleage ourself as one united people
Regardless of Race Language or Religion

Singaporean Believe in Money, We believe in Yusof Ishak, If No Money No Yusof ISHAK We cannot Survive in singapore. Once again, good job MHA and other agencies, including the Indonesian counterpart for their efficiency and cooperation in foiling such planned attack by the terrorists in SG. When I served in the army during my NS donkey years ago, the word 'terrorist' never appeared in our dictionary unlike nowsaday. May the Lord continue to watch over our homeland, protect and keep us safe from harm! This is the time all citizens should stay united, even if the worst happen to Singapore, we should look out for each other. We are small but we won't crumble! I wonder why they want to aim at Singapore, but really thank the indo police for been on guard and I got go to marina for the flyer before and marina also a nice place and though I don't have any religious to believe in but I know that our country deserve better than be a target to bad people... Indonesia caught Mas Selamat and now they have caught the terrorists. Kudos to the Indonesian police for really exceptional Incredibles 2 Detail Shirt! At least u guy's in sg can say something nice to us now.. Not all things about Indonesia is bad after all. I think our agencies,MHA,ICA,SID, ISD, must have shared intelligences with Jarkata Detachment 88 on these isis people who went to Iraq and Syria to fight and came back recently and planning attacks in Jarkata,Kulua Lumpur, Singapore and our ICA can stop these isis people from coming into Singapore. Indonesia, a big thank you and a big hug for this big help! Nevermind whatever haze you gave us in the past, we forgive you and write off.
Many many many thanks!!! Thanks to Indonesia efforts. This is really important in a time like this where every country shares its intelligence information and foils every attempt of such ruthless perpetrators. Singapore and Singaporeans were never the targets of ISIL until someone gave the orders to get Singaporeans and Singapore involved in the war against ISIL. Who was the one who gave the orders to get Singaporeans involved in the war with ISIL and had implicated and jeopardised the safety of Singaporeans locally and overseas, making Singaporeans a target for terrorist attacks? Good catch there. A good alert too that hope we had rescue drills on MBS high rise. These indo 6 probably didn't know we relocated the Fight For Old Dc Caps Shirt venue... Jus a hunch but perhaps all these so-called planned attacks story emerged so as to create a 'reason' for us to send our boys in green to join in the 'anti-terrorist' grp in US. These kind of gameplay has been used many tim Fire rockets from batam..? Do they have such capability rockets..? The most they get is surface to air missile also where can go so far...? I find our news like to make big a small situation in their favour, but if news not in our favour they will do the opposite..... I read the Jakarta post version, got say plan to attack singapore but not any mention of Starbucks Pride Shirt 2018...? We all shld be helping each other and always stay vigilant on possible terrorist attack... We hav to protect the country we call HOME!! Thanks to MHA and Indonesian counterparts for getting their act together. Bilateral cooperations pertinent to success of overcoming the harm's way. Hmmm...what kind of rockets are these terrorists using?...hand-held propelled rockets? Short-to-medium range truck-loaded rockets? Or Scud-type missile rockets?!?!?...hmmm...just curious...rocket fired all the way from Batam?...only the Indonesian Armed Forces have the capability, but terrorists?!?!?...hmmm. Fortunate may not be entirely the case, but also well done to the hard work of ours and ID security personnels on the intel and cooperation. These lunatics were determined to destroy the stability of our country. We must be even more determined to eradicate their footholds by joining the coalition forces. No matter what all SG reans or world citizens with sound mind must work relentlessly together to fight the evil forces.The goods will always prevail in the end....I definitely have faith on this. How about you?

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