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Dennis Rodman North Korea Potcoin Tee

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Juss accept kim as a nuclear country ... Does anybody here know the history of the Korean people, the culture of the Korean people, and the representation of the governmental system of the DPRK, going back into history. Part of the answer is in the headline of this article..... If i remember N Korea has been threatening to launch a missile since I was in Primary school till date only test missiles and fake threats and military parade to cover up their impoverish country over the years their leaders have perfected a threats propaganda agenda and they have become so skillful in treats to unleash fear, poverty,epidermic and hunger on their own people ironically they've only succeeded in preying on those who consider their threats as an issue. We are now used to their treats and not bothered anymore. Odd. You give two raging, unstable a-holes a nuclear arsenal and bloated armies and people become concerned about war. This seems like it would be common sense anywhere but politics. China will support North Korea to the hilt......because that country is China's first line of tactical defence. It will be a grave mistake to attack North Korea because it could trigger World War 3.The worst sufferers would be Japan and South Korea. Do You remember Iran's nuclear unpredictable Ahmadinejad? Stuxnet virus plus nuclear scientists assassinations shut his mouth. Let's see what ace on North Korea USA has in the sleeve.. North is not threatening anyone just leave them.

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Review Dennis Rodman North Korea Potcoin Tee

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If USA can have N weapons than why not north?
North never used them its USA only terrorist state that used them
Where are chemical weapons of Iraq?
Who is responsible for<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Fortnite Just Play It T Shirt of millions in Iraq?
If killing millions of innocent people is terrorism than USA is biggest terrorist state in the world bigger than ISIS If it wasn't for the tweeter and knee jerk response of the present administration, none if this would probably not have happened. We've been doing Naval Operations with South Korea and other countries for decades. North Korea may not have liked it but until recently it was not a major issue with threats of war. So, what does this administration do? Rather than trying to calm the situation, they inflame it by rhetorical threats of their. How asinine can you get?! Probably a strike on Seoul Korea or any near US military installation. I figured the US had decided to take that chance and attack, but the president lied about the direction the warships were going, so it looks like north Korea will be left alone for many more years and they will eventually build nuclear missiles that can reach the US, then will definitely be too late to do anything about North Korea. It's all a Western media propaganda driven way of supporting a war against N. Korea. They start by demonizing leader of the targeted country.They did it to Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi,Assad of Syria.

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They link them with nuclear weapons and WMD or chemical weapons.To be safe from all these then you will have to kowtow to whatever US and Isreal wants North Korea spit the dummy out and much of the media pick it up as a nuclear threat, for me US and everyone else should stop feeding the fuel that fires NK, since it is obviously attention seeking, the threat of any nuclear strike will only come from Russia and even then their is more chance of winning the lottery or Arsenal winning the premier league lol Leaving aside the content, respectively the topic of the actual article, I thought that at least a broadcast corporation as influential and far-reaching as the BBC is knew the difference between "was" and "were" and where to use the one or the other. Apparently I erred... N Korea couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with their nukes. America can shoot down anything they can lob into the air. And America could carpetnuke the POS called N Korea but would anyone even notice the after vs before? North Korea is the modern Cartage which must be destroyed what is required is a gargantuan surprise Nuclear strike that will obliterate north Korea. If that will lead to 3rd world war so be it. The Syria type missile attack will not be appropriate because of the enormous response that will be disastrous for the USA and its allies and will lead to the<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Never Kneel Capitals Shirt of President Trump. US is much powerful... They have Dozens' of Conceal weapons which they will utilise if a situation arise where Several other competitors nation align together in order to restrain US invasion and influence.