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Chris Evans Immigrant V Neck Shirt for Ladies

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We have universal health care, prescription drugs is free for people under 25 years old. College is also subsidized, housing, etc. Canada rocks. Jennifer Stone Harley we have never needed the US military for anything....WW1 and WW2 you guys didn't join till 2 years after us Canadians were already fighting....and we helped you in Iraq and Afghanistan....your welcome 😄 John Pitosky we r not worried about being attacked. We are liked around the world, unlike..... Shannon Eileen Tobin Lantz Your country is so under developed you can use all the immigrants you can get. Why don't you talk your socialist government into providing transportation for all the Central Americans who don't want to live there. You talk big about immigration, but you don't want to accept them. The transportation might be empty, though, because they want to live here in a great country. ohn Pitosky Protect Canada from whom...US antagonizes the world and you throw your military around...what Canada and the rest of the world really needs is protection from you...our best defense is being surrounded by 3 oceans and being the second largest country in the world IS economically far too expensive of a place to ever conquer and as we have demonstrated in countless wars...don't ever provoke a badger. Marco Pasin I have never laughed so much in my life. Thank you. 2nd largest country. In uninhabited land, yes.

Review Chris Evans Immigrant V Neck Shirt for Ladies

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You have few people and little infrastructure. John Pitosky You sound like one of those small-minded Americans who has never travelled anywhere outside of your borders. I feel pity for you, sir. There is an amazing, diverse world outside of the good ol' USA. John Pitosky Can't wait to see Trump's military and him seem to have much in common. Making up for your small hands...or perhaps just a ploy to sell more US arms to the world so trillions of dollars can sit around waiting for something to happen. You see we are way too smart for you. We don't buy stuff that is pointless or we don't need just to please or bow down to emperor Trump. rong.

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We pay high taxes, double what you pay. There are illegals coming in from the US daily, primarily into Quebec and Manitoba and tax payers just had to fork out $600 million for them so far. They are expecting numbers to significantly increase. The government houses them in trailers, not cages, and don’t separate them from their families. You know nothing about Canada! We PAY taxes and get our services from the government... we do not have many illegal immigrants because we have GOOD laws that are actually well implemented. This post makes zero sense. If anything, a higher<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Hugs For Homers Shirt means more volume, which translates to lower overall costs. There is legitimately zero reason that the US can’t make it work, they just don’t want it to. John Pitosky we are largely uninhabited for a good reason. However, most of our population live in urban areas and our infrastructure is pretty good thanks
Our quality of life is one of the best in the world. We have universal health care, prescription drugs is free for people under 25 years old. College is also subsidized, housing, etc. Canada rocks Jennifer Stone Harley we have never needed the US military for anything....WW1 and WW2 you guys didn't join till 2 years after us Canadians were already fighting....and we helped you in Iraq and Afghanistan....your welcome 😄 John Pitosky we r not worried about being attacked. We are liked around the world, unlike..... When you googled how many people live in Canada, you should have googled some our policies including immigration and taxes. You need to educate yourself before commenting. John Pitosky depends how many people you have helping. A family of 10 with 5 adults and 5 kids is the same as a family of 4 with 2 adults and 2 kids. John Pitosky
RE: "Canada only has 37 million people. .... They don't have a large influx of illegal immigrants at their southern border"Actually, we have a LARGE<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->I Have Been Stuck With More Needles Had More X Ray Shirt of people coming across our southern border, illegally from the US more than 20,000 illegal border crossings into Canada since early 2017, all of them made by foreign nationals seeking asylum. Heather Lamprecht-Bilinski
RE: "Canadians will have tons of Americans at their southern boarder begging to get in!!"
We already have had over 25,000 illegal border crossings from the US to Canada I'm not an economist, but it seems to me that a nation of 37 million people- obviously a percentage of them are not paying tax, but of the ones who are, can support a system that provides care for 37 million people.
A nation of 350 million obviously not all of them pay taxes, but the ones who are, can support a system that provides care for 350 million people. It CAN be done, what needs to change is the "What about me" attitude amongst people who don't need help. you can tell a lot about a society based on how they treat their most vulnerable citizens. Here in Canada, i am more than happy to pay taxes so a young mom can take her baby to the er, I'm also happy that my tax dollars allow her to stay home qith the baby for the first year of life. Actually we have a lot of immigration and we really like them. John Immigrants are great for economy. That's why Canada welcomes them. Providing benefits for smaller population is much harder because of the smaller tax base. US is blowing money on tax breaks for people who don't need them and wars they can't win. That's just for starters LOL. Dear Canada. Please invade America and overthrow our government. I know you can do this politely. Thank you, A<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Outline Combo Jack Jack Shirt. Only a fool believes that it starts with the government to take care of it's people... that's called totalitarian communism. It's not freedom. And as anyone can see cnn doesn't want freedom, but rather, communism. Well your comment says it all you must be very happy with trump. He has no intention of caring for or about Americans .... especially brown ones .