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Cat You Are My Sunshine Hoodie

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It grew up making a sort of barking sound instead of meowing like a cat. It was the neatest thing to see how those two dogs took care of that cat. This is so adorable. I had a kitten who use to lay next to my Shepard Husky and sleep, she had no fear and no reason to. Cat You Are My Sunshine Hoodie are sometimes better than people at making friends outside there own kind. People need to learn from animals how this works. Trust the cat to get the best place. It reminds me of one morning my abasinian cat came in dripping from the laundry room. Alfredo my Siamese was ok, when I looked the boiler had been dripping onto the bean bag which was soaked. Of course Alfredo kept dry by sleeping on Lucia! Yes I have a little dachshund when I was very little lot of years went by but I remember that little Dawson in that kitty cat with play sleep with each other and stuff she didn't like any other dog well I talk too much I wanted to say that was very cute and very pretty I will talk to you later bye bye. Won’t be wonderful when the time of our Saviour JesusChrist comes that the lamb & the lion will lie down together & have-no fear but peace.

Review Cat You Are My Sunshine Hoodie

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We can see a small part of that today of the love that animals have today in our own time, so special! Sharon Martinez. Thanks for sharing. I wonder if the day will overcome when any of my three cats would ever lie down with my two dogs. Now, the three of them have their own two rooms, where the dogs never go. Very Sweet! We raised a puppy and a stray cat together-they were best buddies! About two years later we got a Rot puppy! She was so sweet and wanted to join our other dog and cat at night in their bed! No way would they be nice to her! She was the sweetest dog! Loved them and she got really big but they kept her from eating! The cat would hiss at her! I had to feed her in the garage so she could eat her dinner! She was a very sweet Rot and so gentle! She lived for fourteen years and was just a Wonderful Dog! We had three cats who would have tried that. One who even would have gotten away with it, back when we had German Shepherds.

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Also had a bassett hound and an orange and white cat who bonded together more closely than most dogs do with people. Was pretty funny and cool to see those two hang out together - running around, sleeping curled up, even defending each other from the other animals. Our Dog would always climb on Bed when she heard me asleep and lie along my back touching me ! I finally worked it out , it was my Heartbeat she could feel and it made her feel safe ! And I suspect it’s why Cats and Dogs sleep touching each other ! I have three now and they sleep on the top of my head on side on my chest on my feet. Under my covers on my pillow it's there world I'm just in it. I love it, because they keep me alive when I stop breathing. I love them to death. They my babies and I spend good Cat You Are My Sunshine Hoodie on them like my kids. How cute. In my other life I lived on a farm. We had a big ole German Shepard who was your typical farm dog. My ex built a dog house and insulated it so Buster would stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

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