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Carcaine One Helluva Drug Shirt

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Narcan is only used for opiates. Not benzos not cocaine. Narcan helps with respiratory depression. If someone took an opiate with another drug, narcan would only be helping with the opiate side of the drugs used. Narcan is absolutely, positively not used if a person is having a heart attack, unless opiate overdose is suspected and then it would only help with reversing the effects of the opiate taken.
Epinephrine would be used in ventricular fibrillation, pulseless ventricular tachycardia, asystole, PEA, and sometimes bradycardia. Atropine would be used in asystole, bradycardia and sometimes PEA. This story says she was unconscious when they arrived but it also says she was uncooperative. How can an unconscious person cooperate? Everyone here feels entitled to the details of her personal situation to further pass judgement and it’s pretty sad. Why not be cooperative? EMTs are not the police, they don’t care what a person took, they just wanna know what it was so they can treat accordingly.

You can get it here: Carcaine One Helluva Drug Shirt

Review Carcaine One Helluva Drug Shirt

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From what I’ve seen in experience (not from doing drugs), police usually don’t do investigations on an overdose in my experience if the person gets transported to the hospital. Then again, every agency has their own policies. Allie Paige I would hope I would be too but I also hope I never find myself in that situation. Can you imagine coming back from that and knowing that everything you say to the medics is going to be leaked? Maybe she was coherent enough to realize it was in her best interest to keep her mouth shut. Sam Benavides I hope I would cooperate in her same situation but nobody knows why she did what she did. Maybe she realized that by her saying something to them they would leak it to the press just like they did anyway. Ashley I couldn’t agree with you more instead of wondering if she is okay all they care about is what she did to OD. They need to focus on sending her positive vibes and encourage her to take a break from the spot light and focus on herself. After narcan is administered a person wakes up ... if it’s not too late that is. So once she woke up and saw what had happened she probably was pissed and refused to say bc she didn’t want to get arrested and also didn’t want anyone to know...

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Ashley Magee but it's been her friends and family that have been giving interviews as to what happened and how she's doing!! Ashley Magee it wakes you up right away but the person is almost always pissed as it messed up theirs high. They aren’t grateful until much later. Jennifer Garza I’m not sure what your comment is in reference to. I commented about her state of awareness and cooperation at the time of the incident based on the story that was posted. Narcan releases opioids from your receptors. Many people don’t realize they’ve OD and are super combative and confused upon revival. Narcan or Naloxone is an antidote that reverses the OD. It blocks the opiates effects on the nervous system, reverses shallow breathing, and can obviously prevent death. Artee Ava-los obviously not haha. I’m just going on what the story says. I never said the story was completely accurate but that’s what my comment was based on. Once someone is revived using NARCAN, it's not a stretch for the person to become uncooperative and/or combative. No one is pissed you ruined their high. Thats so ignorant. Narcan removes thr opiates from the receptors putting the person in immediate withdrawal which yes will make them a bit irritated.
