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Border Wall Construction Co The Wall Just Got 10 Feet Taller Tank Top

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I agree we watch both - then take from both sides. However here lately it’s been very hard to trust what is coming from ALL media. I might respectfully suggest watching/reading neither of them. Both (and many others like them) desire nothing more than to TELL us what we are supposed to think and feel about an issue. Rather, head for news from Reuters or World Magazine (WM is on Facebook). For the most part, these agencies present the facts, and trust that *I* will determine my view on the matter. I appreciate your thought, but if your only sources are Fox and CNN, you are doomed. There is a multitude of media and you will simply never get the real story by only paying attention to mainstream media outlets. Scour the Internet and find purely fact-based sources for your areas of interest rather than MSM outlets who have an agenda to satisfy and who weave opinion into the news. Tony Taylor and I have to keep checking back with CNN for retractions ..and corrections..same with the NY times. I've tried, very hard to watch much of CNN or msnbc, so much hysterical vitriol and few legitimate facts. It usually just makes me nauseous to listen to for more than 5 minutes. Terrence Callahan forget corporate media, read, join broadcast sites not controlled by corporate media, the truth is everywhere if you look and put forth the effort... Marv Miner, Forget corporate media, it is beyond hope and completely corrupt, you can find a minute amount of worthy info there, otherwise explore the alternative news sites, the truth is available if you look.

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Review Border Wall Construction Co The Wall Just Got 10 Feet Taller Tank Top

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Its so hard to watch CNN and their like. National enquirer is becoming a better source of info. Fox isn't a whole lot better either. Spend a week on made up crap. The left will ruin this country just like they are doing to Mexico. Get ready for another mass shooting. Venny Gonzalez I agree. I said maybe referring over CNN but honestly I watch Fox and that’s it. There is a reason Fox is the number one news network. How about just dont watch the news? Most congressional hearings and votes are broadcast live, just watch those and get the information directly from the source. Balance and CNN don’t mix at all. Maybe BBC maybe. But fox is factual, and even Harvard studies show that despite their op ed lean to the right, they cover things fairly and 50/50.
Whereas CNN was found to report 98% negative on Don and anything to do with don, and only 2% positive. Compared to FOX’s 53 - 47%.

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One is a legitimate news source, the other is CNN. Aka pure propaganda and drivel! Nobody else thinks her having access to $6000 to smuggle herself into the US is strange? $6000 would go a long way where she came from. How many people have 6 grand cash laying around?? Some have ‘earned’ the price by smuggling drugs- not saying that’s what happened in this case, but just saying it’s not impossible. She was the only mother in the group that wouldn't put the kid down. Made a deal about it. She abandon 3 kids at home. So she's not motherly. Abandoned them multiple time. Probably had drugs on her. Using her youngest as a shield. For real. 6 grand in US currency in enough for her and her family to live comfortably in her country for five years at least. WTF. While all this outrage is being expressed on behalf of “innocent children being harmed”,

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Now might be a good time to direct everyone’s attention to the horrific practice of murdering innocent babies with a method of excruciating pain we wouldn’t perform on the worst of criminals. If those on the Left truly are outraged at unjust practices directed toward vulnerable children, they surely would want to know that Abortion is actually killing little ones!! Certainly they’ll want to be a voice for those millions of innocent victims. I’ll wait over here to see their consistency on the subject.