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Best Dad Ever Cubs Tee

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Often timespeople will inquire if our son is having a "special day" with daddy. The answer is yes, everyday is a special day that my child and I spend together. The same holds true for my wife. Rachel is one hundred percent correct, dads parent. One suggestion from one parent to all parents. Put your smartphone down and focus more on your child. What ever social media event is happening isn't nearly as important as your child, regardless of their age. It irritates me when dads say I'm "babysitting" my children tonight. Um, no you are parenting your child tonight. My husband, thank goodness, is amazing. He stayed home with our daughter for four years, til when went to school, and continues to be a stay at home dad until I am finished school. He even looks after other people's children while our daughter is in school. In the grand scheme of parenting this is pettiness.

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Review Best Dad Ever Cubs Tee

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Why would you worry that someone wants to praise your husband for being a good dad and doing what he is supposed to do? So he gets more credit than you. I bet when they look nice in public people make remarks about their appearance to you over him. It's not that big of a deal, lighten up.

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I think it'd be nice if dad's that do parent didn't have to feel shamed into silence about their role for fear of seeming to be too expectant of praise. I've been a custodial dad for 11 years and I learned quickly that if I got upset every time someone tilted their head sideways, as if expecting to hear a torrid story about my ex wife not being the primary caregiver it was just going to leave me annoyed for no reason. Instead a fast quip about me being able to bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan, and still change the diapers and run the house got my point across perfectly. We had our 3rd baby this past March. We split up our work week to avoid daycare expenses. I'm home Mon-Thurs while my husband works, and he's home Fri-sun while I work. He's their dad, just like I'm their mom. He's not their babysitter. We both do housework and wrangle kids when we are home. I realize not all households are the same. But I'm happy for ours! This will never change until moms stop treating dads like they are just babysitters. Unless you have children from a previous relationship you are in the same boat as dad. The whole mom knows best attitude its BS and needs to change. How are dads supposed to feel they are equals when they are second guessed, over ruled, or even ignored when it comes to decisions involving the children. Must say one son IS the primary care giver to his children while mom flies out of province for work during weekdays and other sons equally share parenting to their very young offspring. There are now many 'superadds' just as there are 'supermoms' juggling careers, parenting and household chores. At least this is true in Canada. Figures that the original article the authur gets a little fussy about things like that. It doesn't bug me one bit because here is why...

As a responsible caring adult of 2 kids (and very little to no support from my ex) that having<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Logic Rick And Morty Shirt and doing what you naturally feel is one of the biggest thankless jobs in the just deal with are not getting a pat on the back for it.

It's part about being a parent, and she should understand that when posting that article up.
Understand that from the age of 1 hour to when they are 18...or even older, the job of being a parent is a hard thankless job. People around you see the fustration, and how tired you are, or how many conversations you are having in regards to child care, school, homework issues....what ever it may be, it's a thankless job, so too bad.
I manage to have a great career and with all that find a loving wonderful girlfriend that understands that it's a thankless job. I don't want a pat on the back..because I don't need it... I do what I do because I want to.

So back to the you want some cheese with that whine. It would be nice to live in a world where most of us were as skilled at parenting as our wives, but statistically speaking, most of us are happy to admit that we aren't. So when I say I'm "helping" my wife, it's recognition that she brings more value than I do in the parenting role in our household. I know it's taboo to say this, but it's probably biologically driven. And that's not a bad<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Logic Rick And Morty Shirt - why? Because my wife's role as a parent is as important or more so than any of the roles I serve in our family.
