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Are you looking for: Not Today Heifer Tank Top Shirt?

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Farmers are in dire straits What the farmers need is the 350million dollars our government give to Indonesia. Indonesia just spent 400 million dollars on attack helicopters, why then do they need our money? Nikki Withington do you eat grains, fruit and veg? Do you wear wool or have woolen blankets? Guess where that comes from? Farmers. Please kindly show some respect. Thank you. Nikki Withington pull you head out of where the sun dont shine , who do you think grows your fruit and veg or the cotton ?? You sound like one of those inner city hipsters that believes everything comes out of a factory ( in China) . Without farmers we ALL starve. Nikki - really???!! We’re talking about people going through incredible hardship at his time & you throw up an insensitive & uneducated comment. I presume you live in a completely self sustained bubble. Thank goodness my daughter is nothing like you! I am a psychologist working with rural and remote farmers and despite all the practical assistance they need like freight subsidies, fodder subsidies, etc simple things like phone bill assistance and energy bill assistance would also be beneficial. However the biggest thing I notice is that these people have been forgotten about- they are treated as second class citizens and there is no understanding or thanks for their role of contributing and sustaining to the nutritional requirements of our daily living. They have been forgotten about and never thanked. The Australian farmer is as iconic as the Australian Surf Life Saver- yet they are tossed to the side- with no thanks, care or compassion.

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I deal with suicidal farmers on a daily basis and I find it amazing that a country like Australian can turn its back on the bread basket providers of its nation. Where is the Australian pride, mateship and care?? Many people will say that farmers don’t need psychologists. However when there is no one else to turn to and no one else cares- we are here!! Animal feed, water, help to pay the bills. Food for the family. Everyone complains about sheep dieing on boats but nothing is being done about the sheep, cattle and other livestock dieing in paddocks everyday. Farmers committing suicide as they cant cope anymore. The government needs to stop giving so much money to other countries, stop giving themselves pay rises and help the people of our country first. Farmers are the back bone of australia. Animal feed, water, help to pay the bills. Food for the family. Everyone complains about sheep dieing on boats but nothing is being done about the sheep, cattle and other livestock dieing in paddocks everyday. Farmers committing suicide as they cant cope anymore.

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The government needs to stop giving so much money to other countries, stop giving themselves pay rises and help the people of our country first. Farmers are the back bone of australia. Cassilis NSW. We lost 40% of our property in the Sir Ivan fire last year and we have been feeding sheep since then. We only just started feeding cattle earlier this year. Feed prices have gone from $4000/week to $20000/week not because we're feeding more but due to feed prices rising and having to buy it from SA and WA. While our farmers are suffering through a horrific drought, our government continues to give millions in aid money to countries that want to see our demise. It's time we started looking after our own backyard first. Let the terrorists hate us for free. Daily we pump water and hand feed stock.
We hold our breath everytime we start the pump till we hear the water flow into the tank.

From: Photoxtee