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Truly gifted man. Full of passion I won't buy flowerpaintings because I can paint flowers which I love the most. But I probably will buy this lovely one from people like him. Not only they are beautiful but the way they paint is touching my heart...That's seriously impressive. I have both my arms and hands and could not even get close to painting something as amazing as that if my life depended on it. God your creation is so sweet.
You give a lot more to those who have nothing...
We cry and we whine but there are so.many whom are in pain and are struggling but still keep a smile in thei faces and say thanks ..
Praise and glorify the Lord for his goodness. God your creation is so sweet.
i had a disabled uncle. Went visiting the home he lived in i saw the most amazing talent from people who painted with their feet and also their mouths. Talent has no boundaries. Beautiful work, just to show you when you love something you can do it and God will show you the way..

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Meaning of Buy Art Not Drugs Hoodie

We complain about the little things and this man showed us If your good at something you will find a way to do it.. God Bless, This, I LOVE!! Thanks for sharing! How can one buy a painting from this amazing human? I would love to have one of his paintings on my wall in my little cosy home. Where can he be found/his art be found? Yours, fan. Wow! What an extraordinary person! I can’t imagine how much his feet must ache after doing all of that! And he has the patience of a saint as I would get bored lol.Love this so much! xx. I used to take care of a quadriplegic woman who would paint and write poetry on her computer, with a jury rigged chopstick assembly that she held in her teeth. On days when my hands are bothering me and I'm trying to work with my art I remember this person and also other people that have had it create beautiful aren't using their feet God bless. Fabulous painting by a gentlemen who is handicap with hands and all painting created by feets this is extraordinary God gifted talent God never deprive us he God if deprives us he awarded us another more capabilities and this man is the example of God's greatfulness salute to this man for this wonderful creation of panting. Wow what an amazing work of art done with his feet so it goes to show if you have a disability and determined to do something of achievement you can do it and I have total respect for this man. There is hidden message in his art. That we can make this world look more beautiful with whatever little or big resources we have and even when handicapped, can still make a living on our own instead be dependant.

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Truly gifted man. Full of passion I won't buy flowerpaintings because I can paint flowers which I love the most. But I probably will buy this lovely one from people like him. Not only they are beautiful but the way they paint is touching my heart...That's seriously impressive. I have both my arms and hands and could not even get close to painting something as amazing as that if my life depended on it. God your creation is so sweet.
You give a lot more to those who have nothing...
We cry and we whine but there are so.many whom are in pain and are struggling but still keep a smile in thei faces and say thanks ..
Praise and glorify the Lord for his goodness. God your creation is so sweet.
i had a disabled uncle. Went visiting the home he lived in i saw the most amazing talent from people who painted with their feet and also their mouths. Talent has no boundaries. Beautiful work, just to show you when you love something you can do it and God will show you the way..

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Self confidence and the will to do something, are but a few tools. Should be done with every drug in USA. "War ondrugs" is an abysmal failure. The US is too puritanical to adopt such common sense measures, not to mention the lobbying by Big Pharma to keep drugs illegal. The US justice dept actually enjoys incarcerating it's population with plenty of private prisons profiting off of the addiction of its citizens. Over half of our incarcerated are low level non violent drug "criminals " often with mental health issues. We have one screwed up system. Addiction should be treated like the health condition, disease that it is, just like diabetes or cancer. IMO. Brandi, there is no war on drugs in the US. Never was and never will be.