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American Eagle Tribal Print Baseball Tee

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The writer works for the Audubon society and writes for The Birdest so I get the feeling he is writing this article because he really fuckin loves birds. Not because of some nationalistic bullshit. I also think there is a distinction between domesticated and wild animals. I understand that people treat most domesticated animals poorly but why should we be trying to push another wild species into doing our dirty work? Markie Schwertner No drones would be adapted to be harmful to birds. The point is that amateurs unintentionally put lives at risk. This isn't about military drones.

Travis Muholland Hash Birds of prey were already employed by airports to keep flocks of birds from being sucked into the engine. This is just a new application of birds already deployed. John Stout no but they charge a suspect who can be armed risking serious injury to the dog, and military dogs die on the battlefield. Let's not pretend there is no risk of injury and death to police and military dogs. There is, just as that risk is there for the humans who assume the role of defenders. Isn't American hypocrisy a common issue. Fun facts are that America uses by far the most dogs as K9 dogs and that by far the most dogs die doing their "duty" in America because everyone in America is allowed to buy guns at the groserystore haha. I never read 'we' in some nationalistic way and am satisfied it was not intended so. I saw the dutch video yesterday and was immediately struck that their was a risk involved to the bird. It was quite different to the risk (I'll leave out the USA here) faced by police dogs. Ninoslav, writing in the third person isn't present in this article. I think you need to look up what "third person" means. @Susanne Rotmeyer..I believe that dogs have come to humans for food and companionship, however, eagles are somehow more regal and aloof and do not ask to be close to humans but to be revered by them.

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Review American Eagle Tribal Print Baseball Tee

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Eagles do not "ask to be revered". That's anthropomorphism, Lynn. Neither animal "asks" to be put in harm's way for the benefit of humans. I was unaware of that Dirk but that does make sense. I still think there is a difference between bird on bird compared with bird on robot, though. That difference being potential for harm to the bird of prey. It bothers all animal rights activists because it is ignorant and puts these birds into captivity to be used as machines. What are these drones that the Dutch are crying about? The ones that teenagers fly around their neighborhoods?? Are the Dutch so threatened by things like this? Just ignorant. Rickey Gile We are "crying" about drones that teenagers fly over airports. You aren't Dutch, so you probably never heard of the Bijlmerdisaster of 1992 and the El Al Flight 1862. One of our airplanes crashed through two apartment flats just south of our capital, Amsterdam.

So we are pretty serious about keeping the paths of airplanes unobstructed.
There's also been a few near accidents in Europe with drones. One fell particularly close to Angela Merkel. Drones aside, we have had a few, effectively, terrorist attacks when our queen toured the country, like the time where a car was driven into the masses gathered around a royal parade and when a man deliberately caused a stampede by yelling about a bomb in a jam-packed square that killed people.

It's no 9/11, but these events affected us just the same. Rickey, since you clearly have no idea what the Dutch are "crying about" and you're merely making an uneducated guess it hardly behooves you to call THEM ignorant.

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